Health Pod: Mental Health, Psychology & Spirituality

Align with Your Higher Self Using Tarot and Nature's Wisdom with Nina Plavnik, Intuitive Healer | EP 34

Hélène & Dr. Stephanos | Self-Development Season 2 Episode 34

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Are you searching for ways to connect with your inner wisdom and live a more fulfilling life?

Hélène is joined by Nina, an intuitive healer and spiritual guide. You'll discover how ancient practices can help you tap into your intuition and navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

Nina reveals how Tarot cards can act as a mirror to your subconscious, helping you uncover hidden truths and gain clarity on important decisions. Whether you're a believer in spirituality or simply curious, you'll learn how these powerful tools can offer fresh perspectives on your life's journey.

08:34 - Self-awareness and shifting into new patterns
15:18 - Transitioning from angelic reiki
20:40 - Tarot spread from the Middle East to Europe
27:06 - Importance of emotional fulfillment and relationships
38:02 - Why you need to embrace curiosity

She also introduces us to the gentle yet effective healing power of flower essences. If you've been struggling with emotional imbalances or seeking natural ways to boost your wellbeing, this episode is a must-listen. Discover how these plant-based remedies can help you overcome stress, anxiety, and other emotional hurdles.

Nina shares personal stories and practical tips that you can easily apply to your daily life. Whether you're looking to enhance your spiritual practice or simply find new ways to care for your mental and emotional health.

Press play and discover the secrets of Tarot and flower essences, and take the first step towards a more balanced, intuitive, and fulfilling life.

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Hélène Ioannides [00:00:00]:
Welcome to HealthPod, your self development hub

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:00:02]:
on mental health, psychology and spirituality.

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:52]:
Welcome to Health Pod Nina. I am so happy to have you here. Lovely to be here. I initially met you at a ceremony, and I had no idea what flower essences were when you first mentioned them. And I thought, what is a flower essence?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:01:19]:
Today's episode is sponsored by Nomad, your local experts on sourdough bread, mouthwatering pastry, and specialty coffee. So for those of you that would like to start your day right and get your caffeine fixed, NOMAD is the place to go. Let's tune back into our wonderful episode.

Nina [00:01:38]:
So flower essences are, a little bit so we know that there are many herbal products out there. So we have things like, essential oils, which is what a lot of people think that flower essences are. One of the first things that people like to do is, like, pick up a bottle, take a sniff, and then, like, guys, it smells like alcohol. You smell the preservative. And it's not a tincture either, which is basically where you put a lot and lot of herbs inside of alcohol and that starts to, break apart the plant material.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:12]:

Nina [00:02:12]:
Flower essences basically have almost, have a very, very low percentage of plant material. One of the reasons that is is because it's, it's not heat treated. And there is also you're not using as much flowers as you would, for example, for a tincture or an essential oil. And what we are doing is we're allowing this with so we basically set a bowl of really high quality water because it's not just the flower or the plant that we're going to be using that's really, really important in a flower essence. It's actually also the water itself. Right? The more alive, the more high quality water, the more because water is like a vehicle. Right? So it has this ability. That's part of the medicine.

Nina [00:02:58]:
And yeah. That with the sunlight that, plant infuses into the water, and then we basically have the vibrational components of what that plant is good for infused into the water, and then we can use that internally. We do use it for physical things. Mhmm. But really, the primary usage is for emotions and for our, you know, different energetic blockages that we might have. We do, like I said, use them on physical things sometimes because, obviously, experiences that we have that our body then processes by bringing outwards. So we do treat the physical symptoms sometimes as well, but mostly it's a lot to do with the emotions. So think about, like, if you're struggling with anxiety, if you're struggling with depression, if you're struggling with self worth, we're using different usually, we're using a different if a person is coming to me, we're using, many plants to tackle different parts of the person that's going to help build the first layer.

Nina [00:04:13]:
And, yeah, that's a little bit about how flower essences well, like, what they are and

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:17]:
how they How they work. Yeah. I I find it fascinating because when I first heard about them, I was like, yes. Well, what do they, you know, what do they do? How are they used? And when I did, I did have a session with you, and I've started that I'm currently working with the flower essences, I could feel I I'm feeling things shift through me. And it's it's incredible how things are coming up to the surface, but they don't feel like, you know, they're too much to handle or, too much to process. So their, their potency their potency is very alive within the body. And the other thing that I've found has that has really helped me is it's helped me implement a more conscious, practice because you don't just wanna go put the drops in your mouth and walk around. You actually wanna create space for it to connect to it to, with this is my my own personal process.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:22]:
Like, I'll sit and I'll do my meditation, and then I will I'll put a few drops on my my tongue. And, yeah, I just allow them to do what they have to do. But the whole it feels like my whole day has changed around them, which is, beautiful. They've become like a an integral part of my practice now. And how did Nina get into this? Like, what was your journey, your path to discovering and playing around with not only flower essences, but also tarot?

Nina [00:06:02]:
So I wanna actually start I wanna backtrack just a little bit about something that you mentioned. Yes. So something that's really really like, one of the things that I always tell people that flower essences really, really are at their core is that they're pattern interrupters. Mhmm. The whole thing of using a vibrational medicine. And, I always tell people that you come for 1 flower essence session and you have one bottle, and that's not enough. Because, the flower essences work with our system on a slow and steady level, chipping away at things step by step. Just the same way that if I was going to take a supplement in my life, taking it for 1 week or 1 month is usually not enough time to see long sustainable change and flower essences do something similar.

Nina [00:06:51]:
And what's really, really powerful is that that so that vibrational medicine starts to send new information to the body. And what the body starts to so kind of two things start to potentially happen Is that either we have this moment where, flat like, we just are able to perceive in a new way. So we might start, thinking up solutions or moving towards actions that we didn't think that we that we didn't we couldn't have before

Hélène Ioannides [00:07:23]:

Nina [00:07:23]:
Simply because they start to send new signals repeatedly. Or what happens is that we start to, we start to remove the natural, like, whatever's blocking us, whatever energy is not allowing us because of, you know, trauma or challenges or emotions that we, most of the time in society, have been not taught how to process very well. They get lodged in the body. And so it's like a little it's it's like a little hammer that's just chipping away and allowing that to be released. But in a way, like, exactly like you said, that's not, that actually makes you feel like, okay. I'm maybe going through this emotion. I'm releasing things, but I have the capacity to be able to hold myself through the process.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:12]:

Nina [00:08:13]:
And this happens obviously just by you taking it, but just by you. So usually when somebody comes to me, obviously you're doing it 3 times a day, 3 drops. Yes. And all of this already is a new habit that you're setting. Right? It's new information. It's a new habit. It's new. It's for a lot of people, it's the first time like, oh, okay.

Nina [00:08:34]:
This is my moment really where I'm taking care of myself and taking a moment to listen, to feel what that how the drops are coming into my body. And all of that is already creating awareness to be able to shift into new patterns and new ways of being. And I think the way to explain how I got to all of this is like, you could obviously start all the way back to the beginning. So I I I'd have to say that I was always a really, really open child. I was somebody who was really highly sensitive. I felt a lot of energies. My mom always used to joke that, like, there was a little kid talking to people in the back of the car and, like, who weren't there. And she just, like, didn't bat an eyelash.

Nina [00:09:22]:
Totally normal.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:23]:

Nina [00:09:23]:
And then I, went to school, and I started to learn that not everyone operates in the world this way.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:30]:

Nina [00:09:31]:
And then many many different instances, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really to close down that sensitivity. Yes. And I used to really, really fight against, I really, really fought against who I was, and I really had to shut that down. And the problem is with what I learned over time is that the more that you spend shying away what you how you naturally operate, the more, the at least personally for me, the more depressed I got.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:06]:

Nina [00:10:07]:
Right? Because I was cut off from being somebody something that was integral to who I was.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:12]:

Nina [00:10:13]:
And, that got worse. And in high school, I I hit like a really pretty deep, deep depression. And, but somewhere when I hit rock bottom, there was, like, this crack that opened up. And I knew I had to change something. And it was like this little tiny sliver of light that I pulled in. And, it first started, I turned to my so I'm someone who has a very active mind. Mhmm. I blame that Really?

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:44]:
Yeah. I blame

Nina [00:10:45]:
that on the Aquarius, Cindy. Yeah. And for anyone who's like, oh, yeah. Nina's not an Aquarius. I'm like, I have a 6 planet stellium in which is, like, 6 planets in one house. I'm like, yeah. We're definitely a kind of Aquarius. And so I came to her and I and it really started it really started with, okay, how do I I understood that there was something that needed I couldn't, like, live with my mind constantly running the show and telling me all of these

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:14]:
things. Mhmm.

Nina [00:11:15]:
There was something it's like I just understood there had to be another way. And so I came to her and I asked my mom, like, what do I do about this? And she's like, have you tried meditation? And so this Your mom? Yeah. Okay. Because she had been doing, she had started her own path sort of and she first, she was, she started Pilates. She got bored with Pilates. She moved to yoga and then she started meditating. And so it was like, yeah, she she was the first person to bring bring awareness to that. Mhmm.

Nina [00:11:47]:
And what as I started to meditate and I started to calm my mind, there was a point and at the same time, so my so the first name of my business, that came obviously a lot later was Pantareia. And it's the first tattoo that I have as well. It's what I got when I was, 17. And I didn't know before I moved to Cyprus because moving to Cyprus was a whole accident I was not planning.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:14]:
Well, we're happy to have you here and that this accident happened. Yes?

Nina [00:12:19]:
And obviously in Greek, so comes from everything flows. Mhmm. And there was something in me that started through this journey of meditation and exploring self of realizing what happens. And I was always a big nature lover even then. And I would was, like, enamored by trees and beautiful views. And I remember looking at trees and going, you know, they come in all of these beautiful weird shapes and sizes. And, you know, they have, like, awkward branches that kind of end up molding into each other. And I'm pretty sure they have no shape.

Nina [00:12:56]:
Right? They are. And most of the time most

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:59]:
of the time, we look at those flowers and we look at those plants and we're like, wow. That's so beautiful.

Nina [00:13:05]:
So why am I not the same? Mhmm. And so this is what it started. And, I mean, eventually, I came to Cyprus. I discovered cacao ceremonies. I went deeper into myself. But through this entire process, something that I learned very quickly is that underneath all of my work, I use a number of tools.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:27]:

Nina [00:13:27]:
Yeah. And I we can get into Get to that. Get to that. But underneath all of that, I started to realize that there was, like, this universal undercurrent. This undercurrent was super loving. Mhmm. And if I just trusted the bread crumbs that it left me about how my magic was my magic and that meant so was everyone else's, that I would be led into the right direction. And it wasn't about it was not about becoming more.

Nina [00:13:55]:
It was about actually undoing the layers that stopped my natural essence from flowing into the world. And that's exactly something that flower essences do. Mhmm. Yeah. And then there were a number of things. I started with Reiki. That was my first thing that I did. So I started as an energy healer.

Nina [00:14:13]:
Mhmm. My energy healing was, honestly, I went I got a message in meditation and I got visited. The first guide visitation that I received was from Archangel Michael. Yes. And that same day where I really, really felt him, I had a friend in a ceremony with me going, hey, they wanna work with you. You want to would you be interested in exploring angelic reiki? Which I did. And then angelic Reiki, I got the certificate. I, you know, I got my training.

Nina [00:14:49]:
And I was like, okay. Well, now what do I I have a I have, like, an energy heal. Now what? Mhmm. And my teacher back then, that I was going not the Reiki teacher, but that I was going to ceremonies with, turned around and was like, hey, why don't you just, try and putting yourself out there? So it was like, it didn't have a particular business plan or anything like that. I was I was 19, I think, or something when I first started. Yeah. So, yeah, there was no plan. And then step by step.

Nina [00:15:18]:
And then from angelic reiki, I started working with angel cards. Mhmm. And then over time with angel cards, I was like, I'm always I'm always that person who's like, but where did this come from? Like, what's the deeper version of this? And even though I love angel cards, I have, no shade towards them. I use them for different clients because sometimes and for different reasons. But I understood that, okay, even in the the angel tarot, everything seems really, really lovely, and that's wonderful. But if everything's always lovely, then we have no reason to dig deeper or to change.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:58]:

Nina [00:15:59]:
And so that's how I started to first come to tarot.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:02]:

Nina [00:16:03]:
And yeah. And then through tarot, I learned about divination, and, flower essences came to me in a similar way.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:10]:
Okay. Wonderful. So what is it that you do with Taro? I see that you brought your Yes. Your stack here today. So this Are we gonna are we gonna, like, energy flow into inspiration here and see what comes up?

Nina [00:16:25]:
I'm being prompted here. Yeah. Sure. Do you want me yeah. Should I go and pull 1? Yeah. So this deck actually here is my is the first deck. First, after my angel tarot that I have, this is, like, the first proper tarot deck

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:39]:
that I

Nina [00:16:40]:
bought. It's that's why it's like all my other tarot decks have, like, nice boxes. This is like yeah. It's lost.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:48]:
I love it. It looks like it's actually been used. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Nina [00:16:51]:
Oh, no. So this is a, this

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:53]:
is a Oh, you don't have a box for that one. Sorry. I don't have a box for that one.

Nina [00:16:56]:
Yeah. So this is like the one that I have, which is a bit of a different art style. And then this is, this is the one of the classic rider weights. There are 3 systems of tarot, actually. Yeah? Which we can we don't have to get into right this second. But yeah. And there's a lot of history about about how tarot came to be. But this is also it's, like, based on the same kind of system, but it has a different kind.

Nina [00:17:20]:
This is not the classical art. Mhmm. Which is why

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:23]:
I got drawn to it. It's a fantasy esque. Okay. Let's

Nina [00:17:29]:
Let's see. Let's see.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:35]:
Oh, there we go.

Nina [00:17:38]:
Oh. So we received the queen of swords.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:43]:
The queen of swords.

Nina [00:17:44]:
Which is funny because some, queens are about the highest form of embodiment of a particular element. And swords have everything to do with our intellect, our conversations, our thought forms being able to communicate

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:01]:
clearly, fashionably. With coherence.

Nina [00:18:03]:
With coherence. Yes. So yeah. And and also the queen of swords is someone she's a character in the deck who she has no problem she does it with poise and with grace, but she's very forward and blunt. There is no, faffing about around the point. She gets there. She she knows exactly what to say and how

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:24]:
to be honest. Fabulous. Yeah. Well, thank you for that.

Nina [00:18:28]:
Yeah. You're very welcome.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:30]:
Boo. I see you watching. I see you watching and really enjoying this episode. So if you're this far through the episode, make sure that you like and subscribe. It really helps our channel. Thank you.

Nina [00:18:42]:
Mhmm. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:44]:
You take a look at all that. That was that was really loud message right now for me. Like, I told you, I I'm I'm not the kind of person that like, I love tarot being read for me, but I would not, I may not personally be interested in doing it myself, but people want to know how to read tarot.

Nina [00:19:12]:
Yeah. I know. And I'm working on a course.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:15]:
Yes. So that's very interesting. I think, what's coming through for me now is why are there so many different tarot options out there? Like, is there one specific tarot cards

Nina [00:19:37]:
deck that is, like, the basis of everything? So the answer is no. Because like I mentioned earlier, is that there are so there are 3 kinds of, schools of thought around Tarot. Right? So we have 3 decks. We have the most common that, like, majority of people often use is called the rider weight.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:00]:

Nina [00:20:00]:
And this is this deck here and this is the original. Right?

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:04]:

Nina [00:20:04]:
This I mean, not obviously this deck first deck that was printed but it's the original. Right? Then we have a deck called, it's called the Thoth deck.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:16]:

Nina [00:20:17]:
And then we have the Marseille. Okay. The Marseille is the oldest Okay. Out of all of them. So the way that basically tarot started about. So the first time we believe that tarot kind of came to the surface is we believe that, in China, in the dynasties, they used to play card games, but they also used to use them for divination and for fortune telling.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:39]:

Nina [00:20:40]:
Over time, that got brought, it moved throughout the Middle East. It came towards it came to Europe. And we had something in so in Italy, in the I think it was the 1400, if I'm not wrong. I'm not the best with dates always, so sometimes I forget. So in the 1400, the first kind of tarot deck that ever came to being and it's was called the tarocci. And the tarocci was really, it was it did not look like it it does now. It didn't have most of the majors, and it was what's called a pip deck. So how you see a regular, set of cards like, clubs, diamonds, and all of these things.

Nina [00:21:21]:
Mhmm. Those first decks were more like that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:24]:

Nina [00:21:25]:
And they first again started as a first started off as a card game, then it was believed that they evolved into a form of, fortune telling and divination. And then eventually between France and, England, they started to they came up with the Marseille deck. And Marseille deck, like, it was also very similar to the Tarocchi. It's based on pips, which so the it it's very basic. There's not a lot of imagery. You see, like, again, like, 5 of clubs, 5 of this kind of style. So it was really about knowing what everything meant. And then obviously, the majors like you have in the, tarot also had some imagery.

Nina [00:22:08]:
And then later so in the 1900, there was, so there was 2 cultists. So there was Edward Waite. Mhmm. So he was they were part of a group. Edward Waite, and then there was also Aleister Crowley, and they were both part of a, an occult group named the Golden Dawn. Mhmm. And so both the Thoth and both the, Rider Waite kind of happened around the same time.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:38]:

Nina [00:22:38]:
But they have different they have different they have different methodologies to them. So the rider weight is a lot more picturesque. It has a lot of, like yeah. It it's a lot picture a lot more picturesque, whereas the thought is a lot more abstract. And also, Alastair Kelly was an avid Kabbalist so it's like a Jewish mysticism and astrology and stuff like that so there's also this level of components. Mhmm. So just was it was a differentiation based on their, preferences of, like, mystic study that then got incorporated into those decks. Okay.

Nina [00:23:20]:
Right? And also something that you will see. So in the soft deck, like, we have in we have so there's a general conversation. So in our majors, we have the 8 and 11. So in a rider weight, 8 is strength and 11 is justice.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:38]:

Nina [00:23:39]:
And the thoth deck, this is the other way around.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:42]:

Nina [00:23:42]:
So and there there are, like, mystical reasons for that, basically.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:47]:

Nina [00:23:49]:
And so the reason so those are, like, the 3 kinds. Like I said, rider weight is the easiest to use for a lot of people because of the imagery. A lot of, a lot of imagery is what provokes your intuition to be able to receive the message or to be able to put kind of different story lines together.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:09]:

Nina [00:24:10]:
But at the same so and then you'll notice like, okay, these are both based on classical rider Waite system, but they look completely different. Okay. Why? The big component is that almost regardless of what deck that you get, you'll always get around 78 cards. I mean, you'll always get 78 cards. That's the the natural like, that's the set system. Sometimes you'll notice that, some other artists might throw in some extra ones because they feel channeled to them. Like, they feel prompted to do so. But really the big thing about art is about interpreting the imagery.

Nina [00:24:50]:
The classical is lovely. Mhmm. But it's also really outdated. It has a lot of imageries that's like from the 1900. You see a lot of, like, typical, like, white man and white woman. These more these more old school narratives that don't exist as much right now.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:10]:
Okay. And is that the deck that you have there?

Nina [00:25:12]:
Yeah. This is the deck that I have for you. Yeah. Of course.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:15]:
Should we pick one card for our audience? Yeah. We can. This time, it's it is for our audience. It's a message that whoever is watching this is needing to receive. Yes.

Nina [00:25:28]:
And before I go ahead and pull that, you'll notice, like, the rider weight has a lot of, like, yellows and blues and You can just turn it around

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:35]:
to the cameras whilst they they can

Nina [00:25:37]:
A lot of yellows and blues and some reds. And this is all, like, this is a style of that time. It's also all like prompted around the imagery, the kind of colors that they were using. Nina, you know far too much about tarot. How are

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:55]:
we gonna find out more about it ourselves?

Nina [00:25:58]:
Well, I might be in the, in behind the scenes, and maybe by the time this comes out into the world, it will be live in the world. So I'm working on, a beginner tarot course. So this will really give people the foundations and the structure to be able to grasp how it works as a whole and to start to read. And then later on, there's gonna be some other segments that come out so that we can take that learning deeper. Because Yeah. Honestly, once you get on the tarot journey, you're gonna be learning for the rest of your life.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:32]:
That's amazing. That's what it sounds like. That's what I hear when you're speaking, like, it goes deeper and deeper, and there's so many layers to it. And there we go. Is that for our audience?

Nina [00:26:42]:
Yes. I'm actually going to I want to pull one more.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:45]:
Oh, there we go. Okay. Oh. Do you want me to hold?

Nina [00:26:51]:
No. I got them.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:53]:
Okay. What do we have? Oh, wow. Okay. So So let's turn it around so they can see.

Nina [00:27:01]:
So we have the judgment card here.

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:03]:

Nina [00:27:04]:
And we have the 10 of cups.

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:06]:

Nina [00:27:06]:
So whoever ever I think, what's really important for whoever is watching this right now is realizing that, you like, one of the ways so the 10 of cups is all about the highest form of emotional fulfillment. Mhmm. It's about having the right relationships around us. It's about feeling, like, super aligned and just really trusting in our emotional foundations and watching the outside world reflect that to us. And what the judgment card tells me paired with that is that for many people who are gonna be watching that is that this outcome is really really close. It's almost like a like reach away as soon as you as soon as the people watching this let go of the judgment of what that happiness is supposed to look like. It's about letting go of the judgment of what anyone else thinks that emotional fulfillment is supposed to look and really falling into, oh, yeah. This is what it feels.

Nina [00:28:13]:
Because sometimes we, we feel ashamed of the things that really, like, you know, the things that we aspire to have in our lives that are deemed as success or the things that we achieve. And all of that is so personal to us. So it's about letting go of what other people might think and allowing us just to like, if it brings us joy, really true lasting fulfillment, that's what matters. But we need to let go of the judgment of, what that might look like to the outside world, what other people might say about us. Yeah. And just even if that what people are saying is us saying that to ourselves Yes. Yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:59]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Nina [00:29:00]:
Which happens also. Yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:02]:
That's a that's a great message. It's like, you know, you really have to remember that the the more you you are and the more you embrace it and you are able to also speak to that unkind voice that may be the judgment in your head to give you that permission and that courage to just go for whatever it is that you want to go towards. Be more of you within the world. It's more of what we need in this world. Yeah. Not copies of each other and all following the same path. Absolutely. Discovering our own unique blueprint and what we're here to do.

Nina [00:29:40]:
I also think, like, when you, you know, sometimes we learn, like, we learn really quickly that, like, because we become so well acquainted with our own inner world, we think, like, oh, everyone must want this. And this is also why, you know, like, it might look bad. Right? Especially if somebody wants a larger than life. Mhmm. Life. Right? Because there's all we also have to be mindful of the fact that, like, yes, abundance is our birthright, but we also live on a planet that has limited resources. Right? So not everyone can operate in the world in the same way. But then we start to realize, but not everyone wants that.

Nina [00:30:20]:
Right? Yes. Yes. Everyone everyone's like dream goal and real life, what they really, really want is so different. And that's also sometimes the difficult thing because society programs so many people of being like, oh, yeah. This is the holy standard that everyone should be living up to. Mhmm. And this is where we just get disconnected from ourselves because maybe the our authentic self wants a completely different outcome or a different life. And, yeah, using things like tarot or flower essences or are just, like, many tools are allowing us to reconnect back with our authentic voice.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:59]:
Yeah. Fabulous. I love that. I love I love that we can, use these tools to be able to reconnect back to ourselves and remember remember that we are always guided and that we hold so much more power within ourselves and what we think we excuse me. Clearing off some energy right there for some reason. So, Nina, you mentioned something right at the beginning of the the episode that I feel would be very useful for our viewers. You mentioned that your first, your first connection to your angels was, Archangel Michael, and that came through for you. Because I know there's a lot of people that are that are new to this path as well and that are discovering this.

Hélène Ioannides [00:31:54]:
What could that look like for someone? So,

Nina [00:32:00]:
honestly, it could look really, really different.

Hélène Ioannides [00:32:02]:

Nina [00:32:03]:
Something that, you know, one of the things that you're, like obviously, a big part of learning the tarot, for example, in general, is about employing your intuition. Uh-huh. And intuition looks really, really, really different. And also, it will look progressively different over time. That particular meditation that I had, you compared to kind the way that the my intuition speaks to me now is completely different.

Hélène Ioannides [00:32:26]:
And that's because you've worked on it.

Nina [00:32:28]:
Yeah. It's because it's not just that I've worked on it, but the the intuition gets stronger as soon as you follow the first impulse and then the second impulse Nice. Nice. And the third impulse. It strengthens because you answer its call. Yes. If you continue to ignore it, it will it's the same thing, like, you know, I need to to be able to become a good runner. I need to at least go on the 1st run.

Nina [00:32:55]:
And then my my muscles that are wired to break, you know, break down and come together naturally get stronger. And then it's the second and then it's the third. And, yes, it's to some cases, it's training, but it's also about the fact that I just showed up every day, every time to that Mhmm. To my intuition. Conscious. To go into, like, to get into deep meditation and to stay conscious. Mhmm. So I almost would have this experience where it it almost felt like I was falling asleep, but I wasn't asleep.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:35]:

Nina [00:33:35]:
And at one point, I just felt this in the in the very backs of my eyes. I felt this blue light. Mhmm. And I just knew straight away. I was like, that's him. Okay. And that but now the way that he might appear to me is in a very, very different way. And I wouldn't say that, you know, we have 5, we have, a number of, like, clears, a number of ways of seeing through our intuition.

Nina [00:34:04]:
Right? So we have clairvoyance, which is obviously clear sight. We have clairaudience, which is clear hearing, clear sentience, clear feeling. You know, we have clear like being able to smell. Mhmm. Some people smell through the clears. Mhmm. Yeah. And, we also have, like, kinesthetic.

Nina [00:34:22]:
It's like it's actually it's not just sentient as emotions, but it's like your people's bodies move in certain ways that they experience. And so one thing that I would say about intuition is often we're communicated in ways that make the most sense to us. Yes. Right? And I would

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:42]:
even personalized.

Nina [00:34:44]:
And I would even say that the way that you naturally look intake information, like, how do you learn? Are you a visual learner? Do you need to put things back to like, pull things apart and put things back together?

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:56]:

Nina [00:34:56]:
Are you someone who, you know, just naturally has a big emotional capacity and you notice when your emotions change around certain people?

Hélène Ioannides [00:35:06]:

Nina [00:35:07]:
So all of these are small clues. And then the other thing with developing your intuition is if the message is not clear, we can't always ask for it. Right? And the one thing about, you know, working with intuition, working with omens, signs, guides, whoever it is that you're going to work with, the universe, source, God, whatever you want to call it, made us smart. They made it made us sovereign. So it means it's not gonna intervene until we make a request. So the same thing with intuition. If I don't understand the message that I got, I can't ask for it clear to be clear.

Hélène Ioannides [00:35:41]:
Ask and you shall receive.

Nina [00:35:42]:
Yeah. And then it's like it's like any other language. It takes some time. It takes the willingness to act on it even when sometimes it doesn't make a lot of logical sense. Yes. Mhmm. But, yeah, over that over time, it develops.

Hélène Ioannides [00:35:57]:
Following those bread crumbs. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. I have one more question for you, and this is our final question of the day, Nina. Who is Nina without flower essences, without tarot, without your upbringing? Who is Nina? Thank you so much for watching this episode. If you'd like to dive deeper into your own personal development and tap into your most authentic self, you can book a 1 on 1 session with me. You'll be able to find the details in the description here below.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:27]:
I look forward to chatting with you.

Nina [00:36:33]:
I think I'm a soul just trying to I mean, I'm a soul that's probably experienced multiple lives, potentially in multiple places. Some of them perhaps not on earth.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:48]:
We'll see.

Nina [00:36:49]:
Yeah. Because there's a lot

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:50]:
of we met.

Nina [00:36:51]:
Yeah? Yeah. There's a lot of myth mythology out in the world. Right? That there's other life and other experiences out there. But, yeah, I would say that I'm I'm a soul discovering what it means to be a full embodied human being. And that is sometimes wearing those identities and sometimes so much more than that. Yeah. And being okay with changing and not knowing, because I mean, it sounds a little cliche, but the only constant is change. And that includes me.

Nina [00:37:34]:
So, yeah. I'm in this vehicle that's a body and we're like trying to figure it out. We're exploring what this life is all about. That's who I am. It's I can't really, yeah, can't pinpoint it to one thing. We're just exploring. And I think what I will say, what I know about myself is that, you know, like, a lot of things that people always tell me is, like, Nina, how do you know so much?

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:57]:
Yeah. You you retain so much information, don't you? It's incredible.

Nina [00:38:02]:
So one thing that I would say is that, like, you know, there's that, like it's again a cliche saying, but it's like when you realize how much there is to know, you realize you know nothing. Yes. And I really do feel like I know nothing. But what I do know is that I'm curious. Yeah. And that I hope that I will always be that way. And then when I get to my end of my life, I had a zest for life. Mhmm.

Nina [00:38:26]:
That I was always curious about what there is to explore because there is so much to explore. From people to food, to places, to our own our own world. We're a whole there's a whole universe inside of us. Yeah. Let alone the one that exists out there. Right?

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:45]:

Nina [00:38:46]:
So I never I just wanna be curious enough to discover what that is. And maybe that sometimes doesn't come out with a with a answer that fits in a box and that's That's okay. That's fine. That's beautiful.

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:58]:
Yeah. Beautiful like you. Thank you so much, Nina. Thank you so much for being on HealthPod here today. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your ideas, your divination tools, and I'm sure we're gonna be back here again soon.

Nina [00:39:14]:
Thank you so much for having me.

Hélène Ioannides [00:39:16]:
It's been a pleasure. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much for watching. We are going to see you soon.