Health Pod: Mental Health, Psychology & Spirituality

Embody Your Authentic Path: Lessons From Medicine Woman And Psychedelic Integration Coach Elena May | EP 32

Season 2 Episode 32

Do you have the courage to follow the signs and surrender to the flow of life?

Hélène Ioannides sits down with Elena May, a remarkable medicine woman, healer, and ceremonialist, to explore the fascinating world of plant medicines and spirituality.

Elena's path to becoming a medicine carrier is nothing short of inspiring. From a life-altering car accident that set her on a path of self-healing to the guidance of the mysterious plant known as Ayahuasca, her story will leave you in awe of the incredible power within us all.

00:03:30 - Ayahuasca's Mysterious Call
00:08:28 - Overcoming Resistance to Your True Path
00:19:31 - Ayahuasca: Divine Mother's Love
00:22:38 - Secret Divine Masculine
00:26:18 - Profound Message from the Plants

Elena shares her profound insights on the intelligence of nature and the consciousness that exists in all living things. She explains the loving and transformative nature of the plant medicines, inviting you to open your hearts and minds to the possibility of deep healing and personal growth.

Hélène and Elena examine the importance of having the courage to face our fears and embrace our true essence. They remind you that we are all pure love and possess an untapped potential far greater than we have been led to believe.

Watch or listen and be guided through the captivating world of plant medicines, offering a path to reconnect with your authentic self and create a life filled with purpose, love, and harmony.

If you're ready to awaken to your own innate wisdom and embark on a journey of self-discovery, this episode is a must-listen.

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Hélène Ioannides [00:00:00]:
Welcome to HealthPod, your self development hub

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:00:02]:
on mental health, psychology, and spirituality.

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:05]:
Ellen and May. Yay. Welcome. I'm so happy we've finally made it to have you onto the podcast. It's a pleasure to be sitting here with my sister and talking about the plants, being a medicine woman, being a healer, and all of the amazing work that you do in this world. I'm I'm really touched that you're here. I know that it's aligned at the right time as well. So for everyone that doesn't know Eleanor May and how incredible you are and the work that you're doing, let us know.

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:51]:
Who is Elena May, and what do you do?

Elena May [00:00:55]:
First of all, thank you so much for having me. It's such an honor to be here. I'm so excited. Who is Eleanor May? Well, a medicine woman,

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:06]:

Elena May [00:01:06]:
medicine carrier, a ceremonialist, ceremonial guide, and a psychedelic integration coach. Yay. A flat medicine integration coach.

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:16]:
Yeah. Very important part of it. Yeah. Something that I feel like is very much overlooked.

Elena May [00:01:23]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:24]:
And I remember when I first met you, and I thought, oh, that's amazing that we have more integration coaches. It's an essential part of working with plant medicines.

Elena May [00:01:35]:
The most important.

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:36]:
The most important part. How did you come into working with the plants? Let's dive deep into it. Alright.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:01:48]:
Today's episode is sponsored by Nomad. Your local experts on sourdough bread, mouthwatering pastry and specialty coffee. So for those of you that would like to start your day right and get your caffeine fix, NOMAD is the place to go. Let's tune back into our wonderful episode.

Elena May [00:02:07]:
Well, it started with cacao. Mhmm. Okay. Well, let's start from the beginning. I had my spiritual awakening from a car accident in 2012. Mhmm. And I healed myself. I wasn't meant to walk for you, but I did in 2 months because I healed myself.

Elena May [00:02:22]:
And that got me into this huge, like, wow. Like, we are powerful? We can actually heal our physical bodies? Like, what? So it just took me on a really deep dive of, like, finding out what energy healing is and, like, miracles and that there's so much more than we've been told. Yes. And that led me to cacao. Okay. My friend, Nina, she took me to Angela, here in Cyprus and to my first ever ceremony, cacao ceremony. And it was just like, wow. Home.

Elena May [00:02:59]:
And I just got so excited, and I ended up going twice a week to cacao. I've done maybe 400 cacao ceremonies so far. And then we started working with doctor Joe's, work, and we were taken invited to go to his retreat in New York.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:16]:
Doctor Joe Dispenza.

Elena May [00:03:17]:
Doctor Joe Dispenza. Sorry. Thank you. He's awesome. His work's really fantastic. So we were there, and his head of staff was like, Ayahuasca. I'm like, what?

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:30]:

Elena May [00:03:30]:
She's like, you need to go to Ayahuasca. Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:33]:
And when was this?

Elena May [00:03:35]:
In 2019, April. Okay. Yeah. And I was like, okay. And I she's like, write it down. I wrote Ayahuasca down.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:42]:
And did you know what it was?

Elena May [00:03:43]:
No, I have no idea. And she's like, you have to go to Rythmia, which is what she went like five times. She's like, you need to go there, Ayahuasca. I'm like, okay. I wrote it down. And then I I received my compensation money from my car accident. Right? So I went back to work because I was working at the time. And, my little symbol was the bees.

Elena May [00:04:03]:
So at the end of the retreat, doctor Joe's retreat, this bee landed on my my my arm. And I looked it up and it said, if a bee comes to you, fine follow it and I'll take you to your destiny.

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:16]:

Elena May [00:04:16]:
I went and got a tattoo of a bee straight away, like, right after that. And I go back to work after this retreat, and I'm walking to my 1st day back to work. And this guy in front of me has got a suitcase with a bee on it. Oh. But, like, it's a suitcase specifically. I'm like, the bees are telling me I need to get out of here.

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:32]:
You need to get out of here.

Elena May [00:04:34]:
So I quit my job because I had the money, like, from my car accident, which is what took me on the path. And so I decide I looked up Rythmia and I booked. And I just went.

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:45]:
You trusted the flow.

Elena May [00:04:46]:
I trusted to my destiny. Yeah. And, so, like, 2 months after that, I went, and it was my first ever psychedelic. I was terrified to do any plant medicine psychedelics. So, like like, even at uni, like, my friends would do mushrooms. I was like, nope.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:07]:
None in company.

Elena May [00:05:10]:
You know? And Ayahuasca, like you said, loss of virginity to Ayahuasca.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:14]:
You're not losing your virginity to Ayahuasca.

Elena May [00:05:17]:
I love that when

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:18]:
he said that.

Elena May [00:05:19]:
So yeah, that was yeah, my first okay. I guess, cacao was the first, but and then so when I the first moment sitting with Ayahuasca.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:27]:
How was it for you?

Elena May [00:05:29]:
So the first feeling she gave me was this, like, nauseous feeling of being drunk. Like, the room was spinning, and I was like, oh my god. This is intense. And then when that settled, all of the room filled with maths equations. And she's like, this is your first lesson. The universe is made up of maths.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:49]:
Right? Okay.

Elena May [00:05:51]:
And, and then it was like this feeling of home and belonging. And, like, it was, like, a resonance in my soul that, like, this is where I'm supposed to be.

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:02]:
Like, you've done this before?

Elena May [00:06:03]:
Exactly. Many lifetimes. Many lifetimes. Yeah. And she told me very loud and clear in that first ceremony, this is your path. And in the beginning, I was like, what?

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:13]:
What does

Elena May [00:06:14]:
that even mean? Like but there was, like, this resonance and this, like, heart expansion, like, this is what I wanna do. Mhmm. I instantly became the plant's biggest cheerleader and advocate. I am obsessed. You are. I am so devoted to them Yeah. And the path. Yes.

Elena May [00:06:35]:
Yeah. And then, yeah, I just since then have just been to 11 retreats, done 7 master plant dietas, which is the initiation and training, of being a medicine carrier.

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:47]:
And And where where are you going this summer?

Elena May [00:06:50]:
In end of May, I'm going for my, deep dive with Ayahuasca, apprenticeship with her. And, I'm going with the intention of letting the flow take me and maybe not coming back. Yeah. Mhmm. I'm really excited.

Hélène Ioannides [00:07:05]:
I'm really excited for you. I'm really excited for you. I've actually watched your path unfold over the last couple of years, and seeing you evolve into this, beautiful embodied woman that trusts the flow and keeps reminding me as well to surrender where I need to and be open to the magic of life and where it can take you. We spend so much time thinking that we know where we're headed. And it really takes away from life as opposed to just seeing what the next step is. And there's always signs from the universe. There's always signs. But to have the courage to follow those signs is a big leap of faith for many, and I I own up to that as well throughout my path.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:06]:
What do you think gives you the courage to keep being open to the signs and following through with them. I think this will be great for our viewers that are really looking to embody more of that flow of life and surrendering to it. Mhmm.

Elena May [00:08:28]:
It doesn't just happen.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:29]:

Elena May [00:08:30]:
You have to actually work through the fear and all the things that are, like, blocking you in the way of that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:36]:

Elena May [00:08:36]:
But actually, it takes courage to even do that. Right? Yes. Because we don't wanna face the things that are there, that are stopping us from trusting that we are one with everything, that the universe has our back, and we are guided. And there's a bigger plan and all of that. But it's just taking those baby steps and even finding people that can help you with that. Mhmm. Because, actually, I don't think we're meant to do it alone. Yeah.

Elena May [00:09:04]:
And yeah. So you just make a decision of, like, even though I don't know what it means

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:12]:

Elena May [00:09:12]:
And I'm scared of the unknown, And it means I'm gonna have to face a lot of things inside of me that I'm not maybe not ready to. But you just decide that what you that it's more important over all of that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:26]:
Yes. Yes. Yeah. Did you find that you faced resistance from yourself as well as the people around you? Because it's it's not the path that everyone takes, and especially living in a small island like Cyprus and being from here, you know, there's,

Elena May [00:09:46]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:46]:
Different opinions.

Elena May [00:09:47]:
Oh, yeah. That's actually been the hardest thing.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:50]:
The hardest part of all

Elena May [00:09:51]:
of that. And that's what's taken the most courage from me is to keep showing up and saying, no. This is my path. Yeah. This is what I believe in. This is my heart, and I don't want anything else but this.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:03]:

Elena May [00:10:03]:
So no matter what my family say or friends say or society says, I just keep showing up because I know it in my heart, and I'm more important, and my heart's more important than anybody's voice. And their voices comes from their fear and the unknown, and that's okay. But Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:22]:
And you potentially showing them something that's within themselves that they're Mhmm. Not daring to to take ownership of and step in towards their higher self. Yeah. And obviously, if you see someone doing that, you wonder, well, I think naturally you step into to fear, of the unknown for them. Yeah. But it really has a lot to do with your own inner world. Right? And your your, ability to to not recognize that, hey. Maybe maybe there's a part of me that really wants to do something that I'm not following through with.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:02]:
Mhmm. So your your light is is so important so important for them, for all of us, as is all of our Mhmm. Light within us. Because the more we embody who we want to be and show up in the most authentic way Mhmm. And version of ourselves, then we're not only giving ourselves permission, but we give other people the permission to try new things Yeah. And be the best version of themselves.

Elena May [00:11:40]:
Mhmm. Yeah. I love that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:42]:
Yeah. That's so true. Elena May writes, when you speak about the plants, okay, I hear such devotion on your behalf to them, and I think that's an understanding that a lot of us don't have. There's this connection that whether it's the divine, whether it's the plants, whether it's your intuition that more people need guidance on this. What would be your number one tip with following and listening to your intuition. Oh, I see you watching. I see you watching and really enjoying this episode. So if you're this far through the episode, make sure that you like and subscribe.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:43]:
It really helps our channel.

Elena May [00:12:45]:
Thank you. Intuition is a tricky one.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:49]:

Elena May [00:12:51]:
We all have it. Right?

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:52]:

Elena May [00:12:52]:
Yep. We all have psychic abilities. Yes. And and most of them are laid dormant inside of us.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:00]:

Elena May [00:13:00]:
And, you know, you see little children and they're, like, see things and see lights and light. Like, they're so tuned in and aware because all their abilities and intuition is online. Mhmm. And then it gets shut down from, like, little things, from something a parent would say, or, like, something at school or, you know, like, it just gets shut down at such a young age. Not for everybody. There's a lot of people that are so tuned in their whole lives. But, for most of us, because it's because of society and because it's so frowned upon or, like, you know, the whole witch thing. Yes.

Elena May [00:13:33]:
You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:34]:
Oh, yes.

Elena May [00:13:35]:
Yeah. So it's like not okay to know things. And, yeah. Again, it's like the thing with, what I said the other thing. It's like taking the courage of actually taking the steps. Like, no. I actually believe that I have these abilities, and I want to bring them online. And so you take the steps.

Elena May [00:13:56]:
And, again, you work through all the blocks and the fears and the traumas that were, like, were put on you from not feeling safe to be yourself and to be this magical person

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:07]:
that we all are. Yeah.

Elena May [00:14:11]:
Find the people who are already doing it. Mhmm. That would be my advice.

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:17]:
Great piece of advice. Yeah. When you're around people that are already embodying what you what you see in yourself that is lying dormant, then you feel safe to be able to express that. Exactly. And and with that, you're able to step in, tap into your own powers and say, oh, you know, I hear that. I can sense that.

Elena May [00:14:42]:
And Yes. The more you then start having those, you know, synchronicities and things from the universe. Because when you start opening up, you start having more awareness and flow of, like, the universe communicating with you. Right? And then you have, like, little things, like your intuition would say, oh, that person's gonna say that, and then they say it. Those little moments strengthen your trust.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:04]:

Elena May [00:15:04]:
Because really, that's that the the more trust that you have, the more that you can actually be it and believe it as well. So it's like, yeah, it's like it's an unfolding process. Yeah. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:19]:
And it definitely comes from safety first. Yes. When you feel safe within your own body, within your nervous system, then you're able to say, oh, I'm not just, these aren't just thoughts coming through, but it's actually it's my intuition. It's leading me.

Elena May [00:15:38]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:39]:
And it's something beyond myself. It's not me. It's not me that has the power, but I'm being guided. Right? Tell us a little bit more about the plants. Yay. Yay. Your favorite topic. Literally.

Elena May [00:15:58]:
Okay. Wow. Again, the what society has, like, really engraved in us, so the plants are made illegal.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:08]:

Elena May [00:16:09]:
They're illegal, so there's this fear of, like, oh, you're gonna

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:11]:
jump off the roof

Elena May [00:16:12]:
and you're gonna kill yourself.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:13]:
You know? I'm not

Elena May [00:16:16]:
gonna get into all of that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:17]:

Elena May [00:16:18]:
But I'm gonna speak on what the plants actually are.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:22]:
Okay. Yes.

Elena May [00:16:23]:
So first of all, think about trees. Right?

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:26]:

Elena May [00:16:27]:
And, like, their root systems and how they communicate with each other.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:32]:

Elena May [00:16:33]:
And then they have their offspring, and they know that that's their offspring, so they send more nutrients to like, they favor those trees. And then when there's danger, like, they'll tell each other there's danger. Once tree is sick, all the trees will help the tree. Nature is so intelligent. Yeah. So intelligent. And so the plants have a consciousness

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:55]:

Elena May [00:16:56]:
Like we do. Mhmm. And even rocks and crystals, like everything has energy. And in the energy, there's information. There's a consciousness behind it. Us humans like to think that we're the only one superior species.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:13]:
We have the power, and we don't.

Elena May [00:17:14]:
Yeah. But how I see the plants is that you know how we're, like, you know, we're, like, compact, dense. Our consciousness is here in duality in the physical. Mhmm. But plants, they are in the ether, in the void, in the mystery, in consciousness, in the oneness. So they are plugged into that. Their consciousness is in that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:37]:
Mhmm. Yes.

Elena May [00:17:38]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:39]:

Elena May [00:17:40]:
So that to me is like, wow, you're even more cool. Yes. And even more plugged in than we could ever be. Yeah. Because we're here, and we're meant to be here.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:50]:

Elena May [00:17:51]:
And so the plants, they wanna help us, like, so much. They are so invested in our healing, our evolution. And why? Because it affects them too. Yeah. Like, what happens here affects them as well.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:06]:
The whole earth.

Elena May [00:18:08]:
The whole earth. Yeah. Really, they're all mother earth's children. Right? So the bigger thing is that we are devoted to mother earth Yes. To her healing. Yeah. And what we are her children as well. So they really, really wanna help us awaken to that.

Elena May [00:18:25]:
And the the earth is hurting. We are abusing the earth, even throwing a cigarette. Like, the the earth is not your ashtray.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:33]:

Elena May [00:18:35]:
Cutting down trees, burning or whatever. Like, all that stuff we are doing is really hurting the earth. So the plants wanna help us to remember that we are 1. We are children's, that the earth's children. And the more that we awaken, the better we take care of you. So they all have unique personalities.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:57]:

Elena May [00:18:57]:
And, their own gifts and superpowers and things that they can help us with. There's a plant for every disease.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:05]:
Mhmm. Like

Elena May [00:19:07]:
Mhmm. Right? Yeah. So, yeah. Okay. I I could go into all the plants and all their personalities and stuff.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:16]:
I would say let's pick 2 of your favorite plants that you've worked with. Okay. Okay. And let's expand on them Okay. On their personality. I'm just This is an interrogation of Yeah.

Elena May [00:19:29]:
I'm gonna start with Ayahuasca.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:31]:
Okay. Yes. Of course.

Elena May [00:19:32]:
Because she is my number one love. Mhmm. A lot of people say this, but she saved my life. Mhmm. And I am devoted to her. And she is the spirit of mother Earth. She is the cosmic mother. She is the mother of all plants.

Elena May [00:19:55]:
Well, if I'm gonna speak of Ayahuasca, I'll have to speak about what's human next. But, so Ayahuasca is what everybody's doing now with me. It's become a bit mainstream

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:05]:

Elena May [00:20:05]:
all of that. But people have been well, the the ancient tribes, the shamans, have been working with Ayahuasca for 1000 and 1000 of years. Shipibo Kanibo in Peru is one of the the oldest tribes I've been working with her. Yeah. I'm gonna go and be initiated by them in August. I'm very excited. But yeah. So Ayahuasca has been protected by them for 1000 of years.

Elena May [00:20:35]:
And so it's not this new thing. It's something that's very much a part of she's really here to awaken who we are. Right? And Ayahuasca is the unconditional love of the mother. She loves us so much that she will shake things up. Mhmm. Meaning, it's not easy to work with her.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:01]:
Mhmm. Yes. Right? Yes.

Elena May [00:21:02]:
She's actually one of the most challenging and hardest plants to work with. Mhmm. It's not for everybody.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:09]:
Mhmm. Yes. Mhmm.

Elena May [00:21:10]:
I mean, psychedelics in general is not for everybody. I mean, there's there's a whole list of things that, like, if people have heart conditions or mental health, I mean, like schizophrenia and stuff like that, like, they should not do Ayahuasca. Yeah. And you have to, like, really have a strict preparation period in order to even go to Ayahuasca.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:30]:
Yeah. Yeah. Even the the, you know, the the theater is such an important preparation of it that, perhaps is overlooked. Yeah. It's like part of your initiation,

Elena May [00:21:45]:
part of

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:46]:
your cleanse

Elena May [00:21:47]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:47]:
To be able to receive. Mhmm. And, unfortunately, unfortunately, at the same time, it has become so mainstream Mhmm. That it hasn't been projected in the most sacred way. Mhmm. And it is not for everyone. I have to agree there. But if you have the right containers and the right spaces, and the right people guiding you through it, then it can be such an awakening and such an important part of your life.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:33]:
Mhmm. Talk to us a little bit about Wachuma because you mentioned Wachuma earlier.

Elena May [00:22:38]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:38]:
Have you worked with Wachuma?

Elena May [00:22:40]:
Oh, over 30 times.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:42]:
I like how I'm asking. Yeah.

Elena May [00:22:45]:
You know. I know. Yeah. So Ayahuasca is the divine mother.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:51]:

Elena May [00:22:52]:
And Watjuma is the divine father. So they are the mother and father of all plants. And, he is a cactus. So Ayahuasca has DMT.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:02]:
Yes. But, where is Ayahuasca found?

Elena May [00:23:05]:
In the jungle, in Peru, in Costa Rica, in Bolivia, in, you know, like, all in the Amazon. Yeah. And so they make a a a brew with Ayahuasca with Cappy and chakruna. So it's like the bark and the leaf together. The leaf has the DMT

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:21]:

Elena May [00:23:21]:
And the bark has the MAOI inhibitors that help you digest the DMT. Okay. And it's, like, made ceremonially, right, with intention and love. It takes, like, a day, to make it. And then we have Wachuma, who is masculine. So it's a different type of psychedelic. And so, yeah, he's a cactus that grows, like, really tall to try reach the sun. And again so all the plants, you brew them with so much love and intention and prayer, and you sing icaros and, healing songs too.

Elena May [00:23:57]:
That's when icaros, a healing song. Yeah. So Wachuma, the divine cactus. He's the divine masculine. If there was any best example of of a perfect healthy divine masculine, it's with true mom. And he will teach you that. And he will help you become the divine masculine that you need within you as well. Because we have to be that first before we can attract that.

Elena May [00:24:22]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:23]:

Elena May [00:24:24]:
So he healed my relationship to the masculine I I love him. And I I love him. And he's the one of the less known plants, which is sad. Like, his medicine kinda got lost a bit. And, yes, Ayahuasca is all in the front forefront, but I I am so devoted to Wojtuma. I'm I'm his guardian. I came I I became recently a guardian of Wojtuma. And so I really wanna sing his praises and share his message and his medicine to a lot of people because it's been lost.

Elena May [00:25:04]:
There's a place in, Peru in the Andes called Chavin. Mhmm. And that was 1000 of years ago the most advanced civilization on the planet. Mhmm. The whole culture of Peru came from Chavin.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:18]:

Elena May [00:25:19]:
And in Chavin, they have the temple of the jagu and the temple of the falcon, and that's where they would hold Ochuma ceremonies. And the shamans would become jaguars in the ceremony, and people would walk for days, weeks, months to come there to drink the sacrament of Ochuma. And then they would take their messages and expand their consciousness with him, and then they'd go back to their villages, right, and then share that message. And so, yeah. Any question about what you're doing?

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:51]:
When's our ceremony? Yeah.

Elena May [00:25:54]:
I I brought your cactus recently.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:57]:
I got it on my altar and I'm praying and sitting with intention with it. Yeah. Yeah. Just pouring so much love into into connecting with him. Yeah. Yes. I have a question for you. There is a message from the plants that I feel like needs to come through.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:18]:
Mhmm. Okay. And that message is one that has been shared with you and you are going to share with the world. Okay. Okay. So I'm going to close your eyes. Okay. Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:35]:
And just tune in to what message the world needs to receive at this point in time whenever this podcast will be released, and for whoever is going to be watching, and share with us, Al Nami, what you feel is coming through in this moment. Thank you so much for watching this episode. If you'd like to dive deeper into your own personal development and tap into your most authentic self, you can book a one on one session with me. You'll be able to find the details in the description here below. I look forward to chatting with you.

Elena May [00:27:22]:
You are all pure love. You are more powerful than you ever could imagine right now. Or what you've been told you are. You are not your fear and all the critical thoughts. Open and follow your heart. Let your heart guide your path. And take the courage to work through the fear. Because you are more important than the fear.

Elena May [00:28:05]:
And there's a whole beautiful heaven on earth waiting for you By just following your heart. And there are so many people out there that can help you. There are so many of us doing this work. So find us. Let's unite and find each other, and build a beautiful, peaceful, harmonic Earth that we all deserve to have. And if you have a calling from the plants, go to them. Go to them. We love you.

Elena May [00:28:52]:
You're so loved. Yeah. Thank you, Helene. That was very emotional.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:59]:
It was very emotional. Wow. I'm lost for words. So where can people find you, Ellen and me?

Elena May [00:29:08]:
Oh, on

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:10]:
Instagram. And all the amazing work that you do.

Elena May [00:29:12]:
Yeah. On Instagram right now.

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:14]:
On Instagram. Okay. I'll link the information on the podcast here below.

Elena May [00:29:20]:
Yeah. Hence,

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:23]:
what is in store for people that can find you? What do you offer? Mhmm.

Elena May [00:29:30]:
Well, I offer 1 to 1 ceremonies Mhmm. With cacao Mhmm. And rape hape. Mhmm. Sacred tobacco. Mhmm. And so what I help you do is to open all of that up. Right? So I guide you to go within, and it's layers and layers of that, of finding more of your true essence and opening your heart, opening your psychic abilities, and, yeah, working through all those fears.

Elena May [00:29:58]:
It's, like, my greatest joy to help people do that. Mhmm. I also do group ceremonies.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:03]:

Elena May [00:30:05]:
I'm an integration coach. We didn't really talk about that, but it's very important.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:09]:

Elena May [00:30:10]:
Actually, the most 10% of the work is the ceremony. 90% of the work is the integration.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:17]:

Elena May [00:30:18]:
And so I I asked for the plants

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:20]:
Why so?

Elena May [00:30:21]:
Yeah. Mhmm. Because when you go to the plants, right, and they they open and bring to your awareness things inside you that are not in alignment, chaotic, traumatized, like fragmented parts of you. And that could be more traumatizing. Yes. Because it's so suppressed down there and then all of a sudden it's there. And what am I gonna do with it? Right? Mhmm. And sometimes you leave the ceremony with that opened.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:49]:

Elena May [00:30:49]:
Because you can't do everything in one ceremony. Right? So the integration is you then working through that. And I mean, it's so highly recommended to find an integration coach or someone who can help you, who speaks the language of the plants Mhmm. Who is connected, has a relationship with the plants, who can guide you to to process that Yeah. And integrate it and bring it back home to love. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, integration is so important.

Elena May [00:31:17]:
A lot of people, like, aren't told that or aren't given the integration support, and they go back into the world and they're like, oh my god. Who am I? Like, how do I fit in the world now? My life is crumbling around me. Yeah. How do I function in the world now?

Hélène Ioannides [00:31:32]:
Yeah. So yeah. Very important stuff. Yeah. I I couldn't agree more about the integration part. Having been through a process myself where I didn't have the right integration and had to figure out a whole year journey Yeah. With the guidance of certain people, but I didn't realize how integral it was for me to bring myself back down to earth Mhmm. To really embody and act upon the things that I had been given.

Hélène Ioannides [00:32:07]:
Yeah. And to have the right to have the right people around you to do that. Obviously, my journey was my journey for some reason. Mhmm. And that's okay. But I now understand how essential it is for anyone working with psychedelics, and the plants that they have that support. And it's definitely not just about, this whole mainstream phase of everyone going for a Yuasca and trying it, but how do you implement that into your life? What do you bring from your lessons, from your teachings into your life? And Yes. How do you share that with the world with courage and strength and embody that fully?

Elena May [00:32:55]:
Can I high 5 you? That was a bad high 5. That was awesome. Like, so well said. Thank you. That's beautiful. So

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:06]:
I have one final question. Okay. For you and me. Good. I love you so much. I love you, sir. One final question. Who is Ella Mai without all the labels? Oh.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:23]:
Who is Eleanor May?

Elena May [00:33:26]:
Pure love. Childlike innocence. God consciousness. A plant.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:34]:
You are a plant.

Elena May [00:33:36]:
I have vines. Yes. I do.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:40]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Elena May [00:33:40]:
Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:43]:
Thank you so much for being on. Thank you so much for coming on to HealthPod. It's been an absolutely beautiful discussion, beautiful sharing, and I know you'll be back soon. Again, wishing you all the best of luck with your new journey. Thank you. Yeah. And all my love and support and all of the support of the viewers watching us at this point in time as well is with you. Thank you so much for tuning in.

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:13]:
Thank you for watching, and we are going to see you again soon. Bye. Thank you so much for watching this episode. It's been an absolute pleasure filming it for you guys. If you like the work that we are putting out into the world, please make sure you like this video and you subscribe to our channel. It really helps the work that we do.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:34:31]:
And if you would like to follow our journey on our IG accounts as well as learn more about our services, we provide everything for you in the description below. Thanks for watching.