Health Pod: Mental Health, Psychology & Spirituality

High Performance Coaching: Achieve Success, Confidence, and Balance with Christina Aristidou | EP 31

Hélène & Dr. Stephanos | Self-Development Season 2 Episode 31

Have You Ever Felt Like You're Constantly Chasing Goals But Never Finding True Satisfaction?

Hélène Ioannides is joined by special guest Christina Aristidou, a motivational speaker and high-performance coach. Together, they explore how to break free from the relentless pursuit of achievement and find genuine fulfillment.

Learn the difference between being a high achiever and a high performer. Christina shares personal anecdotes and practical advice on how to shift your focus from ticking off goals to embracing the quality and joy of the journey.

03:35 - Shift Focus to Quality, Detach from Outcome
18:13 - Seeking Approval and Success in Societal Expectations
30:53 - Choose to Settle or Seek True Happiness
39:52 - Celebration Essential for Managing Inner Critic, Building Confidence
52:06 - What a High Performance Coach Truly Provides You

They explore the idea that being "selfish" in a healthy way can actually make you a better partner, parent, and professional.  Walk away with simple, actionable steps to incorporate mindful breaks and pauses into your busy schedule.

If you've ever felt burned out from constantly striving for the next big thing, Christina's perspective will offer a refreshing change.

Press play and listen if you struggle with guilt and shame when prioritizing your own needs.


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Hélène Ioannides [00:00:00]:
Welcome to HealthPod, your self development hub

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:00:02]:
on mental health, psychology, and spirituality.

Christina Aristidou  [00:00:05]:
So we kind of need to embrace this. We need to be in contact not only with our mind, but also with our

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:12]:
soul. Taking more pauses and breaks throughout the day. This is a very, very key component to life. It is.

Christina Aristidou  [00:00:19]:
And what I say is that if we expect society or our working environment to tell us, hi, you need to take a pause, that will never happen. People want the results fast and they want the results painless. Sorry, but that's not gonna happen. So you need to put in the work and the trust, you know, and do it over and over again. It needs to become who you are, then you see the change.

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:51]:
Welcome back to another episode here on Health Pod. I'm Helene. I'm an empowerment and wellness coach. And today, we are going to be talking about women's empowerment. We are here with Christina Aristido, who is a motivational speaker, a high performance and mindset coach, and regional director of the Global Women's Club. Welcome, Christina Mou.

Christina Aristidou  [00:01:12]:
Thank you, Helen Mou. It's a pleasure being with you. And, actually, it was something that, it came to us really spontaneously once we met each other. So I'm really glad glad that we made it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:23]:
Fabulous. Happy to have you here.

Christina Aristidou  [00:01:25]:
Yes. Happy to

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:26]:
be here. Today, we're gonna talk about Mhmm. Women's empowerments. Mhmm. And what does it mean to be a high performance woman, a high performance coach? So we briefly touched upon it early on. But I wanted to go into it a little bit deeper with regards to what a high performance coach is Mhmm. And a mindset expert. Could you tell us a little bit about

Christina Aristidou  [00:01:54]:
what exactly that means? Yes. Of course. So it's all about you know, like, I always like to, separate the high achievers and the high performers.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:03]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:02:03]:
Because there is really a distinction there.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:07]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:02:07]:
For quite a few years, I've been a high achiever, you know, like, chasing goals, milestones, you know, achieving things. But when you're a high achiever, you kind of connect yourself to the outcome, your self worth to the outcome. Mhmm. So you feel that you really need to ax kind of succeed in some things and achieve some things in order for you to be Mhmm. The person you wanna be. Mhmm. In order for you to kind of accept yourself Mhmm. And the person that others will accept.

Christina Aristidou  [00:02:41]:
Mhmm. So you kind of attach yourself worth to the outcome.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:46]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:02:47]:
Which is very daunting because and very exhausting because Yeah. We all know that we have a lot of goals, a lot of things that we want to actually achieve in life. So Yeah. If I just run behind goals over and over again, that doesn't end. You know? Mhmm. So that's the reason that many people feel exhausted. Mhmm. They have burnouts.

Christina Aristidou  [00:03:12]:
They achieve a lot, but they don't stop to see how much they achieve. They are just, you know, kind of, going towards the next one and the next one and the next one. And Yeah. There is no satisfaction coming with that. Mhmm. And I've been there. So I know that no matter how much you achieve, there is a constant battle within that, okay, what's next? What it's like a drag, you know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:34]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:03:35]:
Yeah. So the thing is for us to to to become, let's say, from high achievers to high performers, we need to kind of focus on the quality that we put in work, you know, like, in work, in in the family. So we kind of do our best. Okay? We make sure that we are in the best mental, physical, spiritual, you know, like, mindset level Mhmm. So we can deliver. We can give the best, our best self in any of these occasions. Mhmm. But we don't kind of attach ourselves to the outcome.

Christina Aristidou  [00:04:13]:
You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:13]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:04:14]:
So I will do my best Mhmm. Now and every now, but the result will not define me.

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:21]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:04:22]:
So I know that I'm giving my 100%, and maybe my 100% is not the same every day. But if I still give my 100% every day, okay Mhmm. Mhmm. Why shall I complain to myself? You know? Mhmm. I mean, what more you can ask for a person Yeah. That constantly give their a 100%. So they kind of focus on the performance, you know, like to optimize it as much as the outcome. Because the outcome, okay, I can put, like, my whole effort and whatever, definitely.

Christina Aristidou  [00:04:55]:
But sometimes things may work differently from what I kind of anticipate them to be. Yes. And maybe, actually, that may also be to my benefit. So we need to kind of trust ourselves that we've got this. Mhmm. Trust, you know, like, where life takes us as well. Mhmm. And just do our best, you know? Because I think that that's more than enough.

Christina Aristidou  [00:05:16]:
It's not just enough. It's so much more than enough.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:20]:
You touched upon something very important that our best is not the same every day.

Christina Aristidou  [00:05:26]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:27]:
And that's a great measure, a good barometer that we we tend to compare ourselves the day before what we did or

Christina Aristidou  [00:05:35]:
with everyone

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:35]:
or with everyone else, which is a huge contributing factor to lowering our self worth. Definitely. How? And what is the best way you can recommend that we can understand this concept? Because I feel that there's many people that hear this concept, but it's hard to understand.

Christina Aristidou  [00:05:58]:
Mhmm. Look. First of all, definitely, we are human beings. We have, like, life happens. You know? So no day is the same than before. You know? Like, we we face new challenges. Even our mood is not the same every day. You know? Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:06:15]:
We have days that we feel more energized, and we have days that we feel, you know, like, that we we need to recharge ourselves. Okay? Mhmm. So we kind of need to embrace this. We need to be in contact not only with our mind, but also with our soul, you know, and our body. Because unless we kind of everything is synced, you know, and it's linked to each other and we are in absolute alignment between these 3, you know, to to stop and say, you know, today I feel like this. I will do less. Mhmm. I need more of this.

Christina Aristidou  [00:06:50]:
I need more to relax or more there are more days that that needs to be, like, completely shifted. For example, I'm more energized, I'm more intuitive, I'm more creative. So I need to put more, you know, like, towards what I'm I'm working on. So it's not like we are not robots. And I think that we we have been trained from a very young age, and we really manage to be very good robots. Mhmm. What we don't manage very well is to be human. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:07:20]:
So we kind of really need to stop, make pauses within the day, connect and reconnect with ourselves and feel and think as well, but also kind of give us, give ourself what we really need. Mhmm. And listen, you know, to what that is. Because if we're on autopilot, you know Yeah. And constantly in the move, we don't have time to actually stop. Mhmm. And I think that's the the the step that we need to to make. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:07:53]:
To bring us closer to our, you know, our truth and our what we really need to be doing here. Yeah. So it's not about doing. It's also about being.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:03]:
Mhmm. Absolutely. You mentioned the the pauses, taking more pauses and breaks throughout the day. This is a very, very key component to life, and tuning into our emotions more regularly and seeing where we're at. And especially as women, our moods change, we are cyclical within our cycles, within the rhythms of nature, within the rhythms of ourselves society, we feel things a lot more. However, this element of pausing more doesn't seem to be as supportive within our society. How do we implement more of these pauses throughout our lives within our busy schedules?

Christina Aristidou  [00:08:51]:
Yeah. Look. When we say pause, it doesn't mean to have, like, a 3 hour pause. Mhmm. I mean, it can be short but repetitive pauses within the day. You know? And what I say is that if we expect society or our working environment to tell us, hi, you need to take a pause, that will never happen. So Mhmm. It's our responsibility to actually be in tune with our body.

Christina Aristidou  [00:09:17]:
And if we feel exhausted, if we feel, you know, like, tired, if we feel we have we have we've had enough, we really need to, you know, like, take a minute. Mhmm. Take a minute, you know, like, do some breathing exercises, for example, or close your eyes and just say some affirmations. Mhmm. Doesn't have to be something that, you know, like, it's a ritual and we need to kind of stop for 2 hours and go exercise. Definitely, exercise helps. But what what we are talking about here with the short poses, have to do mostly with coming back to the body. And the most efficient way to come back to the body is through breathing.

Christina Aristidou  [00:09:57]:
So closing the eyes just, you know, like, stay still, take a couple of breaths, I think it's more than enough to anchor us, you know, to the present moment. Mhmm. And it's not that we can stay in the present moment forever, you know? Like Yeah. We really need to train ourselves to do this. Because if we do this over and over again, it's kind of as we were discussing before that we have been trained not to stop. Mhmm. So we need to train ourselves to stop. So we need to also do over and over again in order for this to become a habit.

Christina Aristidou  [00:10:31]:
Mhmm. Otherwise, if I just do it whenever I think, you know, like, think about it

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:36]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:10:36]:
That's Yeah. Not, implementing into habit.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:39]:
What I see a lot of people do is they hear about affirmations, they hear about breath work, they they'll hear about all these tools. And then as soon as they stress, they remember them. Yeah. And if they haven't built a relationship with these tools from beforehand to have some sort of connection, some trust to know that it actually works, it doesn't actually function Definitely. When they're not you know, when they haven't used them before.

Christina Aristidou  [00:11:06]:
You're very right. And I think that this this kind of the more you do it, the more the practice depends, and the more your your body kind of recognizes, you know. I remember when I started meditating just to, you know, like, give something practical here. The few the very few, times, in the beginning, I was like, oh my god. This is not working. You know? I was also a high achiever, so I think I wanted things fast. You know? Mhmm. Yeah.

Christina Aristidou  [00:11:32]:
So I was like, this is not working. You know? Like, what? I just sit and close my eyes and and then? You know? Like, what are the so you just need to trust. You need to do it over and over and over and over and over again, trusting that it's gonna work. Okay? It's the same with going to the gym. Okay? If I go to the gym and I just do, like, some, you know, like, body exercise, okay, I will not have apps the first day, neither the second one.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:00]:
Pretty sure about that.

Christina Aristidou  [00:12:03]:
So, I mean, yeah, you need to trust that if you put in the work over and over again, then you will get to see the results. So people want the results fast, and they want the results painless. Sorry, but that's not gonna happen. Yeah. So you need to put in the work and the trust, you know, and do it over and over again. It needs to become who you are. Mhmm. Then you see the

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:27]:
change. Absolutely. You see the result. Absolutely. That also comes along with not only having the self awareness to implement Mhmm. The these tools, these practices and these methods, but also having the ability to set stronger boundaries within a society that works in a specific way to make time for yourself as a woman, especially

Christina Aristidou  [00:12:52]:
And and not sound selfish.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:53]:
And not sound selfish, which, again, selfish is something that

Christina Aristidou  [00:12:57]:
That's a good thing.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:58]:
I think it's a good thing. You know? I believe it's a good thing. If I wasn't selfish as a woman, I wouldn't be able to support my family in the way that I do. I wouldn't be able to run my business, I wouldn't be able to be a good mother. I'm teaching my children the best model with Definitely. Through being selfish. I think selfish has been there there's been such a negative connotation added to it. And With a lot of guilt with a lot of guilt and shame that we carry as women, and that's such a deep ingrained, emotion and baggage that has been passed down from generations.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:30]:
Especially women. Especially women. So creating these pauses in these pockets of time within our day comes with acknowledging that we have to set strong boundaries. Definitely.

Christina Aristidou  [00:13:43]:
That's very key. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:45]:
So where where along the lines do we also find this confidence, this self awareness to be able to set ourselves as priority?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:13:58]:
Today's episode is sponsored by Nomad, your local experts on sourdough bread, mouthwatering pastry, and specialty coffee. So for those of you that would like to start your day right and get your caffeine fixed, Nomad is the place to go. Let's tune back into our wonderful episode.

Christina Aristidou  [00:14:18]:
Mhmm. Look, I think that everything comes with practice. Okay? So it's not that one day you just wake up and you say, hello. Today, I will start having boundaries. You know? Mhmm. You need to build that habit. Mhmm. So you need to start saying no to the things that are easier to say no.

Christina Aristidou  [00:14:37]:
Mhmm. Mhmm. So you can say no, for example, to staying 3 hours extra every day at work. Mhmm. So you can say no to favors that people are asking you Yes. That you really need to devote your precious time, which is maybe with the family or maybe it's it's your private time. Yes. So you need to start feeling again.

Christina Aristidou  [00:15:05]:
Mhmm. What are the things that really put pressure on me?

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:09]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:15:10]:
You know? What are the things that I really wanna say no and I end up saying yes? Okay? So it's about, you know, like, testing the request Mhmm. And the feeling you have. Mhmm. And say, do I really want to do this? Do I really feel like doing this? It's not by having to. I have to, but I have to. Yeah. We don't have to do anything. We don't owe anyone anything.

Christina Aristidou  [00:15:39]:
And the same goes for them. They nobody owe owes us anything. Mhmm. So I always say that when I say no to somebody, I say yes to myself. Yes. When I keep saying yes to other people, I keep saying no to me. Mhmm. So really, it's a balancing exercise.

Christina Aristidou  [00:15:58]:
Of course, we will not be that kind of person that is doesn't care about anything and anyone. You know? I'm not just saying this. I'm what I'm saying is that I shall not cancel myself Mhmm. To satisfy everyone else, you know. Yes. So there needs to be, like, a balancing exercise here. And Yes. Really feeling, you know.

Christina Aristidou  [00:16:18]:
Is it something that I can do for somebody without, you know, like, reburdening myself? Then great. Yes. But if I'm gonna pushing pushing my time, my energy, towards fulfilling other people's expect expectations, you know, this kind of comes down to really need to be loved and accepted. That's why we do people pleasing.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:40]:
Yes. Now I heard a great example on social media yesterday. There was some mothers in this school committee, and they they said to another mother, could you please make those fabulous cookies that you make for us for the school show? And she said, well, yes. Yes. Of course. Of course, I'll make them. She goes home, and she's making these cookies, and she's like these Yes. Cookies.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:05]:
And she's bitter, and she's angry, and she's shouting at her kids while she's making them because she disregarded her initial instinct to say no, that feeling inside of himself. And therefore, it it, It had a ripple effect. It had a ripple effect on every other single part of her life

Christina Aristidou  [00:17:23]:
her own.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:23]:
And her and her own well-being and her own health. Definitely. So touching upon health and well-being, you've told me your story before Mhmm. Which I would love for more people to hear. Here on health pods, you did not start out as a high performance coach. So tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up doing this work.

Christina Aristidou  [00:17:49]:
Okay. So I studied law, and, you know, like, it's, I entered the fast paced world of, you know, like, the corporate world. Let's put it this way. Mhmm. That is all about high achievers. You know? Mhmm. Yes. So I was the kind of person that I was chasing, really high goals Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:18:08]:
One after another. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:10]:
So tick boxes? Tick boxes. All the boxes.

Christina Aristidou  [00:18:13]:
Oh my god. I even created some boxes Okay. That ticked a lot. So it was all about, achieving. It was all about seeking this kind of approval Mhmm. This kind of fulfillment, this kind of success because, you know, what I mentioned before, we are trained this way. So we live also in a small society that people get you, for example, thinking that, okay. If I am a good student, I go to a good university.

Christina Aristidou  [00:18:47]:
I do something which is socially accepted, lawyer, doctor, you know, these kind of more, like, prestigious, you know, professions.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:57]:
Professions. Yes.

Christina Aristidou  [00:18:58]:
And then you get into the whatever job you are doing, and you you kind of give your everything. Mhmm. And, you build a house, and you have the family, and then you need to have the kids. And then you need to have another kid and then you need to go on vacations and you need to have this lifestyle. You know? Mhmm. Mhmm. Then you will be happy. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:19:22]:
So this is actually what the system is selling you. Okay? Mhmm. And I was doing all that. You know? Absolutely no pleasure. Mhmm. Absolutely not celebrating Mhmm. All the things that I have been achieving. You know, I I the moment I achieved something that I really wanted, my eyes were on the next one.

Christina Aristidou  [00:19:46]:
Okay. So I was never in the present moment.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:49]:
So celebration is No celebration. There was no celebration.

Christina Aristidou  [00:19:52]:
There will be celebration at the end.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:55]:
When when we get there yes.

Christina Aristidou  [00:19:58]:
You get to the end. When you

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:58]:
get to

Christina Aristidou  [00:19:59]:
the end. Okay? To the higher. Mhmm. That you know, actually, there was never ending.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:03]:
You know? Yeah.

Christina Aristidou  [00:20:05]:
So, yeah, I was into this mood and into this, you know, like, hunting, in pursuit of happiness, if I can say. And, that never came, you know. Like, that never came because even when it did, because there were moments of happiness Mhmm. And I was not there. Mhmm. I was chasing the next one. Yeah. So I never rendezvous with happiness.

Christina Aristidou  [00:20:29]:
You know? It was, you know, like, I was chasing the butterfly, you know? Mhmm. Anyway, it was kind of for me to have this kind of mind blowing experience, That was kind of a near death experience that actually I paused for the first time in my life.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:58]:
Mhmm. You say that and I get goosebumps, actually.

Christina Aristidou  [00:21:01]:
Yeah. Yeah. It's because my I could not do the pause, neither in my mind, neither in my body. So the pause had to happen Mhmm. For me to kind of see it, be idle Mhmm. And just kind of you know, my whole life came in front of my eyes, really. And I was not there, not in a single moment. So when you really hit rock bottom because that that Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:21:35]:
This is what it was, you kind of have a different perspective. You actually, your perspective shifts in a moment. You know? It was not

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:46]:
You change.

Christina Aristidou  [00:21:47]:
I was the same body, the same, woman, but completely different perception and perspective. Like like, instantly. So I could see that this has absolutely no meaning. This gives me no not happiness, at all. Mhmm. It's like, a frozen person going around achieving things, but what's the point of achieving this if you cannot feel it? You know? Mhmm. So it kind of really marked, you know, it was a rebirth for me. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:22:22]:
And I kind of celebrate 2 birthdays now. Yeah. Because Nice. Yes. This is what it was, you know. It's, it's a reminder for me that it's it's all about the journey. Mhmm. It's all about the journey.

Christina Aristidou  [00:22:38]:
Not the destination. Not the destination. Because if Mhmm. Yeah. I mean, actually, you cannot have the destination if there's no journey. So it's part of it, and it's most of the part. So if I just miss the most of the part just for the final moment, then what's the point? So, definitely, that was what really changed my trajectory, you know, because it was a very, how to say, like, a very it was very easy. It was me me repeating myself over and over again with different goals.

Christina Aristidou  [00:23:25]:
So this kind of altered Mhmm. The whole, you know, like, ticking the boxes. It just brought me back to the present moment Mhmm. And really had me to answer deep questions about who I am Mhmm. Why I'm back, what do I want to do Mhmm. What is happiness for me? Mhmm. And how I can also kind of have an impact, not only on my life and my, you know, like, close people, but also people generally. Yeah.

Christina Aristidou  [00:23:56]:
How I can I could be like, the source of inspiration for some people that maybe I will I will have liked this kind of inspiration

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:07]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:24:07]:
Back then.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:08]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:24:08]:
But I didn't I didn't have it. Yes. So I thought, okay. Maybe I can be the inspiration that I will need Yeah. To shake me. Mhmm. You know? Mhmm. So I didn't have to go through this to wake up.

Christina Aristidou  [00:24:22]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:23]:
What a beautiful inspirational story. Thank you so much for sharing, Christina. It's a great way to be able to get to see ourselves from a different lens and change our perspectives on life. Sometimes it has to happen in a specific way to way. The hard way for a rebirth to occur. Mhmm. And it's definitely going to influence many people hearing this, knowing that if they are living in a way of life that doesn't feel aligned, or perhaps they feel that they don't have the pleasure and happiness in their life, really fulfilling them, then there there is another way, there is a way to to look deeper, to reprioritise what's important, to ask the right questions, ask yourself the right questions,

Christina Aristidou  [00:25:23]:
The difficult ones. The

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:24]:
difficult ones. The difficult questions. That's where a lot of honesty and truth comes to surface.

Christina Aristidou  [00:25:30]:
And vulnerability, Because this is something that we also block. Mhmm. We don't want to feel. We were trained not to feel. Only to think. Mhmm. So the moment you stop and you ask the difficult questions Mhmm. The the mind cannot answer the difficult questions.

Christina Aristidou  [00:25:48]:
Mhmm. You know? Yeah. And that's the only moment you kind of really get the right answers where you need to go. And you also mentioned something that I want to touch upon. You said the difficult moments. Sometimes it happens the difficult way. Helene, allow me to say that, it always happens the difficult way. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:26:13]:
When it's all rainbows and butterflies, nobody makes the change. Yeah. Nobody makes the change. And maybe my story had a particular way, let's say particular but we all have difficulties in our lives. Yes. Okay? Like bigger and smaller difficulties. But still, I think that in order for you to kind of asking the difficult questions, do the work, you really need to face something in your life where you reach a point that you say, enough. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:26:46]:
It's so painful. This anymore. Either your body will say this Mhmm. Your mind will say this, your soul will say this, but Mhmm. I think there is a moment in time that, it's the catalyst. Yes. It's the catalyst for change. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:06]:
It's a very important part of our development. Mhmm. It's an essential part Yes. Of our growth.

Christina Aristidou  [00:27:14]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:15]:
Many people avoid this, though, to the up and They do this. They do this. They walk around

Christina Aristidou  [00:27:24]:
Actually, they do this because

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:26]:
They can see. But Yeah.

Christina Aristidou  [00:27:28]:
That's the only thing we can do. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:30]:
They can truly see, but they don't wanna face it. It's too painful. And what what what would you recommend to someone who is who they can see the truth, but they don't want to face it because they also know it's very painful. It takes a lot of courage. And I know, because I've been there. And I know, you know, because you've been there. And it takes a lot of courage and a lot of bravery to say, You know what, this isn't my life anymore. I'm changing it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:00]:
And I'm going to turn towards this direction, I'm going to stop doing this, I'm going to focus on this. And it comes with a lot of pressure from what we've been taught,

Christina Aristidou  [00:28:11]:
the surrounding

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:12]:
surrounding and how we also perceive ourselves. Definitely. Making these courageous changes is difficult. What would you recommend?

Christina Aristidou  [00:28:22]:
Look. I really think that it's difficult, and it's I mean, the question we need to ask ourself is what is more difficult? I mean, everything is difficult, you know. So is it difficult to stay, for example, somewhere, maybe it's a relationship, a toxic environment, like working environment, whatever, what is more painful for me? Is it painful to just stay there and suck it up? Mhmm. Or is it more painful to just okay. Feel the pain, go through the pain Mhmm. And, you know, like, breakthrough from the other side. And Mhmm. Do something that I will really, it has let's say, at least it has chances to make me feel better.

Christina Aristidou  [00:29:05]:
Because staying where I am, when I know it's not for me, well, I mean, doesn't have any chance to make me feel good. You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:12]:
But most of us feel comfortable there.

Christina Aristidou  [00:29:14]:
Yeah. Right? But comfort zone, I think, is, the greatest, enemy Mhmm. We are called to face. Mhmm. Yeah. Because leaving the comfort zone has fear around it. And I think we we kind of, we are so fearful of fear itself, you know? Fear is a good thing. I think that fear just shows you where you need to go, where you need to grow.

Christina Aristidou  [00:29:45]:
You know? And, for a long like, forever in my life, I was fearful of change. I was fearful of not feeling on top of things, you know? And I think that this is something that a lot of people, can identify with. Mhmm. They believe that comfort zone is safe. Mhmm. But is it? Mhmm. I think it's it's never safe. First of all, it's never permanent.

Christina Aristidou  [00:30:16]:
Yes. 2nd, it's not safe. I mean, it's it's like it made

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:21]:
it look safe. It's an illusion. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:30:23]:
It may look safe Mhmm. But it's not. Mhmm. So what's the point of living 80 years just repeating my days in out, in out, in out, not growing, not learning, not exposing myself to new people, things, opportunities. What's the point? Mhmm. I mean, what's really the point? So leaving the comfort zone, definitely you need courage Mhmm. As you very well mentioned. But I I think that it's one way or the highway, you know, like, Yeah.

Christina Aristidou  [00:30:53]:
Mhmm. Either you will stay stuck and you will just make peace with it, say, okay, That's my life. Mhmm. I'm just gonna settle for it. Good, bad, whatever that is, I will just stay within that zone. Mhmm. Or you just kind of connect with your heart and say, am I really happy here? Am I really do I deserve to have a life that is this? You know? Is this the life that I want to go back to when I'm older and say, you know, I have a good life? You know? I've done the things that I really wanted to do. Yeah.

Christina Aristidou  [00:31:35]:
You know? So it's it's again answering difficult questions.

Hélène Ioannides [00:31:38]:
Answering the difficult questions. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Boo. I see you watching. I see you watching and really enjoying this episode. So if you're this far through the episode, make sure that you like and subscribe.

Hélène Ioannides [00:31:50]:
It really helps our channel. Thank you. I think when people, have the the capacity and the awareness and the presence and the heart and the courage to answer these questions, then they are able to make major changes in their lives and really understand that if they're aligned with their highest self with their highest truth, and they can lead a life that feels full. Yes.

Christina Aristidou  [00:32:25]:
A life that feels Always happy but full.

Hélène Ioannides [00:32:28]:
But full. Content. Happiness is is it goes moments. It's moments. It's not always. And this is this leads, into another question that I feel as 2 women sitting here, we have achieved great things in many areas of our lives. And this is, I feel like this is an image that is also projected to the And we talk about not being perfect. Yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:10]:
Yet there is this image of being perfect. And that's something that I I is important to touch upon and speak about and to perhaps elaborate.

Christina Aristidou  [00:33:24]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:24]:
What is your opinion on this?

Christina Aristidou  [00:33:27]:
Look. I will just give an example because our mind generally gets understands, let's put it this way, things better through images. Okay? So I want to just parallel this, my answer to something that everybody can really see in front of them. So life is all about, like, a theater, performance. Okay? So you go to the theater. You see the actors. You see the lights. You see the, you know, like, all the the the the shine and the the success and the perfection.

Christina Aristidou  [00:34:09]:
Okay? Number 1, nobody goes to the backstage Mhmm. To see what's going on, to see the mess, you know, to see the reality. Mhmm. Okay? Number 2, nobody goes there day in, day out when they are doing rehearsals. Mhmm. Yes. Nobody is there. Okay? So it takes a lot of courage to do and to kind of balance all these things, and it takes a lot of work that nobody sees.

Christina Aristidou  [00:34:49]:
Mhmm. Nobody's there to clap for you or for me. Mhmm. You know? Yeah. We sometimes need to clap for ourselves, you know, and, you know, like pat ourselves, you know, on the shoulders and say, you know, you are doing a good job. You know? It's not about being perfect. Nobody is perfect, and nobody will ever be perfect. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:35:10]:
So it's not about chasing perfection. For me, it's about, targeting, not achieving, but targeting excellence. Mhmm. Because excellence, I can become excellent as something I'm practicing over and over again.

Hélène Ioannides [00:35:28]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:35:28]:
But I can never be perfect. Mhmm. Mhmm. Mhmm. So it's all about, you know, like, do my best day in, day out. It's messy. Yeah. It's painful sometimes.

Christina Aristidou  [00:35:41]:
Yeah. Mhmm. Sometimes you don't even balance it very well. You know? Because I really think that it's it's what is balance? Everybody's asking me these questions. Yeah. Tell us a bit how you balance your everything, how you you have time for everything. You know, sometimes my focus is my job. Yes.

Christina Aristidou  [00:36:00]:
Sometimes my focus is, you know, like my family. Mhmm. There are periods in your life that you really need to change your focus. Yes. Yeah. Period. You know? And you need to be in an environment that allows you to do that. Have that flexibility.

Christina Aristidou  [00:36:17]:
Bravo. And you have that kindness and this understanding that, okay. This period is difficult period.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:24]:
Give yourself

Christina Aristidou  [00:36:25]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:25]:
Bravo. Compassion.

Christina Aristidou  [00:36:26]:
Bravo. And also from your environment. You know? I know that this this period is tough for you. You know? Like, okay. I can do this for you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:35]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:36:36]:
You know? Mhmm. That's that's everything. You know? So, definitely, it's about us giving us permission Mhmm. To do the things that we feel that are important for us at that moment.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:52]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:36:53]:
Okay? And be fully there, like, focus there because you cannot be in the house thinking your projects at work.

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:03]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:37:03]:
You cannot be at work thinking your holidays, and you cannot be on holidays and think your projects. You know? Yes. So you really need to be where you are. So now I'm here with you. There is nothing else in my mind Mhmm. Now. Mhmm. Nothing.

Christina Aristidou  [00:37:19]:
Yes. You know? Yeah. And same, when I'm working on a project, I'm there.

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:24]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:37:24]:
You know? So I think that's the tip. You know? Like, focus. Focus on what you're doing. Be present and give you a hundred percent.

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:34]:
Yeah. I like the the comment that you made about balance, because it's something that we hear a lot about. Yes. And I I personally I would say I I wouldn't say I preach balance, because I don't embody balance, either as a person, I if I do something, I do it 200 percent And then I might leave certain things out. And then I'll focus on something else. And I'll do that 200%. Yeah. I really do focus.

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:00]:
However, I wouldn't say that my everyday is balanced. You know? Who judges balance? Who said

Christina Aristidou  [00:38:07]:
Who will

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:08]:
come up to

Christina Aristidou  [00:38:08]:
you Yes. And say, you know, Aileen, you did you you give your 200% on this, and you left that out. Who will do that? It's our inner voice that will come at the end of the night when you go sleep, and you will feel the guilt of, you

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:23]:
know I did an exercise today, but I I I worked a lot. Right? So then you're like, oh, maybe But

Christina Aristidou  [00:38:29]:
you should have also done that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:30]:
I should yes. You know? Exactly.

Christina Aristidou  [00:38:31]:
You should. You should. Yeah. And I think that that's also like this voice, we need to, you know, kind of adjust it. What I mean adjust it. Yes. It's it's all about fine tuning. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:38:43]:
Same with balance. You know? You focus here sometime, you focus there sometime. So it's all about, you know, like, adjusting this voice. Yes. Minimize the voice that is the inner critic. Mhmm. And kind of, you know, like, put on the volume the the volume to the voice of, yes, you've done that, and you've done that, and you've done that. Well done.

Christina Aristidou  [00:39:07]:
You know? Tomorrow's another day. You can do different stuff. You have you can do, like, whatever you want, but it was a good day today and bravo. You know? We need to keep that

Hélène Ioannides [00:39:19]:
clapping. We don't take enough time to notice what we have done throughout the day.

Christina Aristidou  [00:39:24]:
No. We don't notice. We we don't We don't make yes. We don't not we don't make time at we never say bravo. You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:39:32]:
We don't celebrate. We don't celebrate even the smallest thing. Not Even the smallest thing. Like, even if you are not working and you are just a mother, which even that's in just a mother, I mean, that's even in itself, the hardest, it's the hardest job. Like, even that is like, you need if it was a tick list, you should have like 10 for those.

Christina Aristidou  [00:39:50]:
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:39:52]:
You know, thinking about everything that you need to organize and prioritize and manage. So celebration is is a biggie is a very, very essential part of life of being able to tone down that inner critic, as you said. And as you are also the regional director of Global Women's Club, and you interact with many women. Yes. So we've spoken about a couple of things that have come up in our own lives within our clients lives. But what do you think is the main thing that women struggle with Confidence. Confidence. Confidence and perfection.

Christina Aristidou  [00:40:33]:
You know? Because, they kind of go together. Why? Because they see, as you said, another woman. Mhmm. First of all, we were ray all raised, brought up just competing each other. That's, that's something we don't touch upon, but it's the reality. Okay? Yes. So every woman has, like, a competition, an inner competition, you know. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:41:00]:
And With herself or with one another, you're talking about

Christina Aristidou  [00:41:03]:
Yes. So it's difficult to be in a position that you are constantly comparing. Mhmm. You know? With everything you see on social media Yeah. The women you have around you, maybe at work, maybe, like, in, friends, etcetera. So I think that we look a lot outside of us, and nobody dares to look within. So if you're confident and you really own who you are and you are fine, but you're not perfect, you just do your best, First of all, you shine. That's all.

Christina Aristidou  [00:41:43]:
2nd, you feel good in your skin. You laugh more. Who judges balance?

Hélène Ioannides [00:41:50]:
Who said

Christina Aristidou  [00:41:51]:
Who will come

Hélène Ioannides [00:41:51]:
to you

Christina Aristidou  [00:41:52]:
Yes. And say, you know, Aileen, you did you you give your 200% on this, and you left that out. Who will do that? It's our inner voice that will come at the end of the night when you go sleep. And you will feel the guilt of Yeah. You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:07]:
I did an exercise today, but I I I worked a lot. Right? So then you're like, oh, maybe.

Christina Aristidou  [00:42:12]:
But you should have also done that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:13]:
I should yes. You know?

Christina Aristidou  [00:42:15]:
Exactly. You should. Yeah. And I think that that's also like this voice. We need to, you know, kind of adjust it. What I mean, adjust it. Yes. It's it's all about fine tuning.

Christina Aristidou  [00:42:26]:
Mhmm. Same with balance. You know? You focus here sometime, you focus there sometime. So it's all about, you know, like, adjusting

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:34]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:42:35]:
voice Yes. Minimize the voice that is the inner critic Mhmm. And kind of, you know, like, put on the volume the the volume to the voice of, yes, you've done that and

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:48]:
you've done

Christina Aristidou  [00:42:49]:
that and you've done that. Well done. You know? Tomorrow's another day. You can do different stuff. You have you can do, like, whatever you want, but it was a good day today. And bravo. You know? We need to keep that clapping.

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:02]:
We don't take enough time to notice what we have done throughout the day.

Christina Aristidou  [00:43:07]:
No. We don't notice. We we don't We don't

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:10]:
make yes.

Christina Aristidou  [00:43:11]:
We don't not we don't make time at we never say bravo. You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:15]:
We don't celebrate. We don't celebrate. Even the smallest thing. Even the smallest thing, like even if you are not working, and you are just a mother, which even that's in just a mother, I mean, that's even in itself,

Christina Aristidou  [00:43:27]:
the hardest,

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:27]:
it's the hardest job, like, even that is like, you need if it was a ticklish, you should have like 10 for those.

Christina Aristidou  [00:43:34]:
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:35]:
You know, thinking about everything that you need to organize and prioritize and manage. So celebration is is a biggie. It's a very, very essential part of of life of being able to tone down that inner critic, as you said. And as you are also the regional director of Global Women's Club, and you interact with many women. Yes. So we've spoken about a couple of things that have come up in our own lives within our clients' lives. But what do you think is the main thing that women struggle with? The other thing

Christina Aristidou  [00:44:13]:
that is connected with confidence Mhmm. Is what others would think of me. Mhmm. Mhmm. So women are living a life that is not fulfilling to them Mhmm. Because they think that the moment they go outside and leave, you know, like, leave the comfort zone, nobody will approve. Mhmm. They will judge them.

Christina Aristidou  [00:44:42]:
They will fail. You know? Mhmm. Mhmm. But Yeah. The thing is that we are so, how to say, interested and, afraid of what others will think of us that we don't own our life. So we live a life that is just Approved. By others.

Hélène Ioannides [00:45:08]:
Perhaps someone else's. Perhaps it's someone else's life. It's not even

Christina Aristidou  [00:45:11]:
It's someone else's life.

Hélène Ioannides [00:45:12]:
Someone else created it for you for you

Christina Aristidou  [00:45:14]:
to feel. Brainwashed Mhmm. To get in the loop, and then you are brainwashed to stay in the loop. Yes. So some people never wake up. Okay? And they just go about like this all their lives. But what happens is that that some people wake up late Mhmm. Because they really get to a point where they hit rock rock bottom and nobody's there for them.

Christina Aristidou  [00:45:40]:
Mhmm. And then they understand that, okay, so it's me, myself, and I, you know. So what others? Yes. There is nobody there to pay my bills. There is nobody there to pamper me up. There is nobody there to, you know, like, lift me up. So why shall I be bothered with what other people believe about me? Yeah. What do they know what do they know about me in the first place?

Hélène Ioannides [00:46:08]:
You know? Mhmm. Or why should I even choose to live a life that they've created for me? Exactly. Their their standards if really Nothing to do. Exactly. Yeah. So what are three tips we could give people listening to us to help them come out of this disempowered states

Christina Aristidou  [00:46:27]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:46:27]:
To a more empowered state.

Christina Aristidou  [00:46:30]:
Yeah. I will say, to speak less. Mhmm. Because speaking a lot, especially as women, we do it to, kind of distract. You know? So definitely speak less and feel more Mhmm. Is something I would say. You know, connect and really really own you. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:47:01]:
You know? Like, get leave the passenger seat and get in the driver's seat. Mhmm. Okay? And it's only when you pause and you speak less and you feel more that you actually gain this, you know, control. Mhmm. Number 2, I will say definitely work with themselves.

Hélène Ioannides [00:47:21]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:47:22]:
Yes. You cannot be empowered if you don't wanna do the work. Yes. You cannot feel confident if you don't do the work. Yeah. You cannot have a toned body if you don't do the work finished. You know? There's no, like, this magic formula, like,

Hélène Ioannides [00:47:39]:
the magic pill.

Christina Aristidou  [00:47:40]:
Yes. You know? No. I mean, you really need to go through the process. Mhmm. And it's a process that is not easy, but it's very, very, very rewarding. Mhmm. Mhmm. And I think that it's you know, it can really signify the the the before and after.

Christina Aristidou  [00:47:59]:
Mhmm. You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:48:01]:
Yes. In in. Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's why we've actually put something special Yes. Together.

Christina Aristidou  [00:48:08]:
Yes. I like that you mentioned it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:48:10]:
Yes. Yes. We weren't gonna say anything, but we have. So now it's out. So we're putting something special together with regards, yes, to confidence. Very soon. Stay tuned. We're going to

Christina Aristidou  [00:48:25]:
Yes. You know,

Hélène Ioannides [00:48:27]:
it will be and I think it's a great example that 2 women sitting here together being able to have a conversation that do have An authentic conversation. An authentic conversation. Yes. That have the the ability to even be working in similar similar areas to be able to have these conversations and to be able to create opportunities for other people to also learn from. Thank you so much for watching this episode. If you'd like to dive deeper into your own personal development and tap into your most authentic self, you can book a 1 on 1 session with me. You'll be able to find the details in the description here below. I look forward to chatting with you.

Christina Aristidou  [00:49:08]:
It's about creating an impact, you know, and a ripple effect because I think that, you know, the people that are working with me Mhmm. Are not people that they just make themselves better. You know? And, actually, a question I have, a lot of times Mhmm. Is okay. Is it easy to change my mindset? You know? Like and definitely what you just said now, we do these kind of seminars. We do these kind of workshops, and definitely people get out of it with, golden nuggets, as I say. You know? Like Mhmm. With some ideas, with some moments sometimes, you know, but they need to go and make the changes in their life.

Christina Aristidou  [00:49:58]:
That's where the work begins. Lamenting.

Hélène Ioannides [00:50:01]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:50:01]:
You know? And this is something that okay. No seminar, no retreat, no, guru will change your life. You will change your life. Yes. So it's about taking the information, definitely Mhmm. But it's what you do with it. Yes. Because knowledge without, you know, application is just theory.

Christina Aristidou  [00:50:20]:
You know? Everybody can read books. Mhmm. People are saying me, okay. For example, if I read books, da da da, perfect. Mhmm. It's a great start. Yeah. How many of the things you read in the books you do?

Hélène Ioannides [00:50:31]:
How how much do you integrate that into your life?

Christina Aristidou  [00:50:33]:
Yeah. Yeah. And especially because I work not only with women, but mostly women Mhmm. But also with, in the corporate environment and, like, group trainings and stuff, I see people are hungry for answers. They're hungry for tips. They're hungry for but the thing is deciding, you know, and it's like we need to own that decision, you know, that what am I willing to do with that? Mhmm. What am I am I am I willing to change? Am I willing to go through placing my boundaries? Mhmm. Am I willing to start saying no? Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:51:16]:
Am I willing to devote this amount of time on me Mhmm. To read, to meditate, to exercise. So, you know, it's all the this this tiny shifts Mhmm. That they seem tiny. Mhmm. But when you see you know, actually, these are the ones that are creating the choice Yeah. The the change.

Hélène Ioannides [00:51:35]:
The change. And they create a compound effect.

Christina Aristidou  [00:51:37]:
This is

Hélène Ioannides [00:51:38]:
Definitely. Something that, you know, we start off today and then Definitely. Second day, and you 3rd day, and you don't see it even in the 4th day. But after 30 days of doing something

Christina Aristidou  [00:51:47]:
about the compound effect.

Hélène Ioannides [00:51:48]:
It's all about the compound effect. Exactly. Yes. And to be persistent and dedicated enough to it and to believe it enough.

Christina Aristidou  [00:51:55]:
Even when nobody is there to clap for you. Because I think that's why people need a coach, really.

Hélène Ioannides [00:52:05]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:52:06]:
Because there's nobody there to clap for them. Mhmm. And they cannot clap for them because usually they're focused on what they didn't do. Okay? So you need a coach to kind of provide you perspective, keep you on track, and remind you to see all the things that you actually manage to succeed, to do, to perform. So it's all about, you know, bringing you on track and keeping you there Yes. You know, until you get where you wanna be.

Hélène Ioannides [00:52:37]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:52:38]:
And the third thing, because you're asking for 3 things

Hélène Ioannides [00:52:40]:
Three practical things.

Christina Aristidou  [00:52:41]:
Yes. Yes. And it's a very, very, very basic one. It's to surround yourself with people that are like minded. Mhmm. That's a big one. Yeah. And that's a thing I see in Global Woman Club.

Christina Aristidou  [00:52:57]:
Mhmm. Why? Because if I have an idea, okay, and maybe it's the most amazing idea, but if I go out to my friends and I share the idea and they tell me, why you thought about that? Who will be interested about that? No. That's nonsense. You know? They cut my wings. Maybe they don't know they are cutting my wings. Maybe they want to protect me. Maybe they're feeling jealous. Who knows? Anyway, that's not the point.

Christina Aristidou  [00:53:27]:
The point is that unless I'm very strong within and I say, okay, whatever, I'm doing it Mhmm. Most people will feel shame Mhmm. Guilt Mhmm. They will feel exposed Yeah. And they will not do it. Yeah. And that's the end. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:53:47]:
And it's a pity if we kind of have some ideas, some projects, some things that they really resonate with us, and we really want to do them Mhmm. And we kind of stop ourselves because other have stopped us, because we allowed them to stop us.

Hélène Ioannides [00:54:03]:
Yeah. So having people around you that empower you is

Christina Aristidou  [00:54:07]:
people culture. That are like minded, that cheer you up, very important. Mhmm. Because unless we have this power tribe, you know, in our life, there are times that are difficult. There are times that we feel like quitting. Yes. There are times we fail. And failure, I cannot stress enough that I think following the fear of death, the the the next fear coming up is the fear of failure Of, you know, like, being exposed.

Christina Aristidou  [00:54:36]:
Mhmm. Mhmm. So it's all about not be fearful of failure. Because when you fail, you learn. Okay? Mhmm. Maybe it didn't work. Okay. But I have the chance to see what didn't work.

Christina Aristidou  [00:54:51]:
Mhmm. And then go back, fix it, and try again.

Hélène Ioannides [00:54:55]:
So it's it's

Christina Aristidou  [00:54:55]:
a trial and error. Mhmm. Mhmm. And most people think, yeah, she's successful. Yeah. Of course, she's successful. But have you asked her what it took for her Mhmm. To go there, to get there?

Hélène Ioannides [00:55:08]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:55:09]:
She need to fail over and over again. Nobody was there. She had to pick your yourself up Yes. And try again.

Hélène Ioannides [00:55:16]:
Yeah. So Yeah. It's it's Great tips. Yes. Yeah. Essential. I have 2 more questions for you. Please.

Hélène Ioannides [00:55:26]:
What do you feel like is your biggest service you can offer humanity? Yeah.

Christina Aristidou  [00:55:33]:
It will sound simplistic, but I really think it's not. It's about reminding people Mhmm. Who they are. Mhmm. Reminding people who they are and what they are capable of. Mhmm. Because I really think that that's the greatest service you can do. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:56:01]:
And that's because we all need somebody at times to believe in us, for us to believe in us. Mhmm. So it's really, a big thing to be able to be that person that either empowers somebody, inspires somebody Mhmm. You know, accompany the transformation of somebody into becoming who he really wants to be. Mhmm. And he deserves to be. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:56:28]:
Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you. And one last one, Christina.

Christina Aristidou  [00:56:32]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:56:33]:
Who is Christina without all the titles?

Christina Aristidou  [00:56:39]:
Look. She's a girl. I will not say woman because, woman comes with the titles. So I really think that all of us, we have this child within. Mhmm. And unless we fully embrace this child within, care for it, nurture it, listen to it, and in a way, allow it to play in life. You know? Mhmm. And maybe sometimes guide the way, you know? Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:57:13]:
Yes. So, yeah, I I I am a girl with dreams. Some of them are wild. But I don't

Hélène Ioannides [00:57:21]:
for the next podcast.

Christina Aristidou  [00:57:22]:
Yes. Yes. But I really I really see myself there already. Mhmm. So I think what we need to kind of do in life is ground ourselves, you know, know who we are, connect with this younger version of us who is authentic, is enthusiastic, is full of dreams. He knows exactly who we are Yes. And he loves who we are and just allow it to kind of be present in our life. Mhmm.

Christina Aristidou  [00:57:56]:
You know?

Hélène Ioannides [00:57:56]:

Christina Aristidou  [00:57:57]:
And go hand to hand and do whatever we want to achieve. Yeah. That's the only way. Beautiful. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:58:05]:
Yes. That's lovely. The inner child power. Thank you so much, Christina, for for having me.

Christina Aristidou  [00:58:10]:
I'm very excited for what we have coming up together as well. Yes. So we will be releasing that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:58:11]:
Yes. Stay tuned for that. Yes. Stay tuned for that.

Christina Aristidou  [00:58:19]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:58:20]:
And it's been absolute pleasure having this conversation

Christina Aristidou  [00:58:23]:
with you and having you here on Health Pod.

Hélène Ioannides [00:58:25]:
Thank you.

Christina Aristidou  [00:58:25]:
And do join us. If they want more and, you know, like, more theory, but definitely more practices. Yes. Because that's where magic happens.

Hélène Ioannides [00:58:35]:
We'll be giving a lot more tools and methods

Christina Aristidou  [00:58:39]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:58:40]:
When we join our forces. So we'll be adding the info here below. Yes. Thank you so much for watching.

Christina Aristidou  [00:58:46]:
Thank you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:58:47]:
For tuning in to Health Pod once again, and we'll see you soon. Thank you so much for watching this episode. It's been an absolute pleasure filming for you guys. If you like the work that we are putting out into the world, please make sure you like this video and you subscribe to our channel. It really helps the work that we do.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:59:04]:
And if you would like to follow our journey on our IG accounts, as well as learn more about our services, we provide everything for you in the description below. Thanks for watching.