Health Pod: Mental Health, Psychology & Spirituality

Your Path to Conscious Parenting: Connect Deeper With Your Children | EP 26

Hélène and Dr. Stephanos Season 2 Episode 26

Ever Feel Guilty for Not Being Fully Present Around Your Children?

Dive into the enriching conversation between hosts, Hélène Ioannides and Dr. Stephanos Ioannou, as they unravel the essence of conscious parenting. As parents themselves, hear their insights and practical advice on how to raise content, happy, and conscious children.

You’re treated to a heartwarming interaction between the hosts and their daughter, offering a refreshing glimpse into what children really seek from their parents. It's a vivid reminder that children look for examples rather than teachers.

00:00 - Introduction
04:51 - Nurturing Your Child's Nervous System
07:43 - The Power of Validation and Role Models in a Child's Life
09:40 - Mastering the Art of Setting Boundaries
18:54 - Understanding How Children Express Love
28:38 - The Magic of Bedtime Stories and Enhancing Sleep Routines

Hélène shares valuable insights on being present with our children, the art of listening, and engaging with them on their level. Dr. Ioannou shares personal anecdotes, highlighting the influence of our own childhood on the way we parent. Learn how our actions and reactions can mold our children's worldviews and self-perception.

Understanding our triggers and traumas isn't just beneficial; it's essential in responding effectively to our children's needs. Emphasizing the importance of emotional awareness and intelligence in parenting.

Press play and let this episode be a companion for you in those moments of doubt and struggle in parenting.

It's a gentle reminder that perfection isn't the goal - awareness and continuous growth are. And consider this your step by step guide to begin your conscious parenting journey.


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Hélène Ioannides [00:00:00]:
Welcome to HealthPod, your self development hub

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:00:02]:
on mental health, psychology, and spirituality. Children are big teachers.

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:07]:
When when they do call your name, try and be as present as possible. Come down to their their level. Maintain eye contact with them. Show actual interest. So having the emotional awareness and the emotional intelligence of your own self is essential in understanding where you are at as a as a parent and making better choices, their answers sometimes are way beyond anything that we can explain.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:00:38]:
Children want Examples, they do not want teachers.

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:53]:
Welcome back to another episode here on Health pod. I'm Helene. I'm an empowerment and embodiment coach. And today, we're gonna be talking about conscious parenting. What does it really take to be a conscious parent, and how do we raise content, happy, conscious children? Let's tune into the episode.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:01:12]:
Welcome to another amazing episode on Health Pod about conscious parenting. So tell us, Helene, what is a conscious parent?

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:23]:
Well, a conscious parent is a conscious adult. It's a parent, an adult that has done enough work on themselves to understand when they are responding from their triggers, from their trauma, and to be able to bring awareness to their reactions and their responses to their children and to have that self awareness so that they are not imposing what has already been imposed on them from their Mhmm. Own parents.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:01:58]:
Oh, yes. So bringing enough emotional awareness

Celeste [00:02:04]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:02:04]:
In their life, Kind of being conscious about the negative triad of the 3 negative emotions, which is anger, fear, and guilt so that they can Respond and behave to their children in a way that it is healthy. Now I will say something in regards to my own personal experience over here Because I was catching myself being extremely angry towards our kids

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:27]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:02:28]:
For very small and shallow reasons. Because whenever my children were not listening to me, I was getting extremely furious. And When I understood what was the trigger behind it, which was which was my Upbringing as a child in which I was not heard or seen by married parents, and my children were basically giving Giving me again the same trigger, not being seen and heard by them, I was getting extremely angry. Mhmm. So I was trying to manage them Instead of parent them. Yeah. And this is a an example of how our shadows dictate our behavior Towards our children.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:15]:
So having the emotional awareness and the emotional intelligence of your own self is essential Mhmm. In understanding where you are at as a as a parent and making better choices.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:03:28]:
Oh, yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:29]:
However, I know it's easy when we give advice, and it's easy when we talk about being a conscious parent, but it's fucking hard.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:03:37]:
It's extremely hard.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:39]:
It's really hard. It's it takes constant focus and

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:03:49]:
It doesn't really take a lot for a child to get traumatized. And this is a quote by Gabor Mate Yes. And his book, the Myth of Normal

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:59]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:04:00]:
Which is a great book for everyone to read. And there's a plethora information online that is actually confusing parents.

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:08]:
Yes. Mhmm.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:04:09]:
It is completely unrealistic based on the system that was created For working parents, and we all try to be the perfect individual, the Perfect person that is gonna excel at their job, in their home, in their relationship, in their relationship with their children, which is Unrealistic. But we could share some information right now on how Can we raise children that feel safe? What is the number one thing for you That you think it makes a child feel safe.

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:51]:
So first of all, A child, in order to to to feel safe, needs to have a regulated autonomic nervous system. So in order for you to be Allowing the child or giving permission to the child to feel safe, you also have to have a regulated autonomic nervous system. So, therefore, there are a few things, a few tools that we use and we try and use that are essential with our children, the first thing is being present. Mhmm. And playing on the phone and being, yeah, and kind of half giving them attention isn't being present. And it's not being with them, because being with them is a different thing than being present. Because many parents are there, but they're not there. They live in their minds.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:46]:
They live in their work, and children can sense everything Oh, yes. They know when you're half arsed about what you're talking about. So being present with your child. When your child comes home with a picture and says, oh, mommy, look what I made. And you say, oh, great, and you kinda look the other way, that's not what they're really looking for. They are asking for your validation. They are asking to be seen. So the best thing you can do in that situation is when they when they do call your name I know you get your name a 1000 times, but that's that's another point.

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:26]:
When when they do call your name, try and be as present as possible. Come down to their their level, maintain eye contact with them. Show actual interest. Show actual interest, and ask questions.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:06:41]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:42]:
I love to have adult conversation with my kids, and a lot of the time, they give me so much more valuable information thrown back at me, then what I could probably give them, I you know, we think we know it all, but their answers sometimes are way beyond anything that we can explain.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:07:02]:
Children are big teachers. Hi, guys. Thank you for watching. I'm doctor Stefano Siano, and I'm a psychophysiologist. I specialize on stress and anxiety and also On communication issues between couples. So for those of you that might be facing this type of problems, I provide the link for you below to book your 1 to 1 session with me. See you there.

Hélène Ioannides [00:07:25]:
Children are big teachers.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:07:26]:
And what you just described is basically Building their self esteem.

Hélène Ioannides [00:07:31]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:07:32]:
Because inside of them, they're thinking, I am worthy. My mother is behaving to me With full attention, curiosity.

Hélène Ioannides [00:07:42]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:07:43]:
She's making me feel seen and validated, and she's Responding to me in an adult way, so I must be worthy of attention. And this is what they're also gonna demand as adults. Yeah. And you also mentioned at the beginning being a good role model. Mhmm. Children want Examples, they do not want teachers. Yeah. And if I may expand on that list that we've just covered, Another thing that I believe that it is essential for children is to find their own inner voice.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:08:21]:
And now our beautiful daughter that you will see in the in the videos coming up.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:26]:
Next part. So there's a nice little next part where we do a little bit of breath work, so stay tuned for that.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:08:32]:
She she goes through the phase of asking why. Daddy, why this? Daddy, why that? And I revert that question back to her. Mhmm. What do you think?

Celeste [00:08:40]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:08:41]:
Because children do have an opinion. It might not be in the form that an adult imagines it to be, but they have an opinion. So in that way, they're putting their own cognitive process into answering their own question Instead of expecting someone else to tell them what is wrong and what is right. Their inner compass is always set Exactly. In the right direction

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:09]:
Mhmm. If they have the answers and if you give them that permission to make decisions for them. So our 2nd point

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:09:19]:
Our 4th point.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:23]:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, so our 4th point is

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:09:29]:
Set boundaries.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:30]:
Yes. You're

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:09:31]:
very good at setting boundaries.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:33]:

Celeste [00:09:33]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:09:33]:
you've done in a Let that in our relationship, and you're doing that for our children as well in a very elegant way.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:40]:
Mhmm. Elegant, I would probably not call it elegant, but okay. I like to have boundaries, and I keep reinstating the boundaries. Our kids don't get away with not having boundaries. And I have found that in my life, boundaries have been my safety network, they have been supportive. And when children don't have boundaries, they don't feel safe. So having boundaries is essential. You're also teaching them that when you said something, you stick to your words.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:18]:
And no means no, yes means yes, and when I've said something, please stick to what we've said. Otherwise, there will be consequences. And I don't mean consequences as in, like, a punishment, but to understand the concept in life that every decision that you make has a consequence. And this is really important for us to be able to develop life skills.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:10:49]:
Because if my mom sets boundaries for me, I will also set boundaries for other people. Exactly. What usually goes wrong with many relationships.

Celeste [00:10:59]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:11:00]:
You might be get be underpaid. Mhmm. You might have to ask for Grace. You might, be hurt or wounded by a person. Where are the boundaries? Where is that Shield that is gonna protect me from what is wrong. Mhmm. Because if a mother never put never Put boundaries for me and always forgive me for whatever I have done, I will do exactly the same things for other people that have hurt me.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:30]:
And it's funny because I think there is a concept that if I place boundaries for my children, I don't love them as much. Mhmm. But it's quite the contrary. I think when you as a mother have enough self love, you also know how to set boundaries for your children, therefore teaching them to love themselves.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:11:51]:
And it's actually better if you hurt them as their parent instead of society hurting them later on. And this is yes. It's hard for the parent because parental love is A divine type of love.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:10]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:12:12]:
And it's better if they receive that from you Out of care and genuine interest rather than, oh, I feel sorry for them, and I will do everything for them because I love

Celeste [00:12:25]:
Mhmm. Yeah.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:12:27]:
Now we have covered a variety of topics over here. Is there something that is missing Yes. From our list?

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:36]:
Yes. There is. There's a few other things.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:12:40]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:40]:
There's 2 more things that I would recommend to parents. So first one, being play. Uh-huh. Children want to play. Mhmm. And a lot of the times, we don't allow children to be children. Mhmm. So as a a parent and as an adult, it's actually an invitation for you to also play with your kids, but allow your inner child to come out

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:13:10]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:10]:
And be playful with them.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:13:12]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:13]:
Children don't wanna be adults. Children want to be children. A lot of the times because of our busy life, work load schedule, we try and squeeze them into our daily lives. Mhmm. And that puts a lot of pressure on them. But in order for children to be regulated, it's essential that they do play. Now let's tune in to see what Celeste has to say. Hello, and welcome.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:42]:
Today, we are here with a very special guest. A super girl, superwoman, Super child. And her name is

Celeste [00:13:58]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:59]:
What's your full name? You forgot your full name? I don't wanna say.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:14:05]:
You don't wanna say. Okay. Can you tell us, Which is your favorite toy?

Celeste [00:14:12]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:14:13]:
Mousy. Okay. And where is Mousy now?

Celeste [00:14:16]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:14:17]:
He's lost. Okay.

Celeste [00:14:20]:
He like his wheels, but he's a teddy bear.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:14:23]:
Have you misplaced him somewhere?

Celeste [00:14:26]:
No. I don't remember where I put him.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:14:28]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:29]:
How does that make you feel?

Celeste [00:14:33]:
I like it. I play hide and stick with him. I don't know where I put him.

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:38]:
So you hid him so well that you can't find him.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:14:41]:
Does she have a name?

Celeste [00:14:43]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:14:44]:
Okay. That's is is it a she or a he? Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:50]:
Are you excited? Yeah. Are you excited to see what my daddy do? Yeah. Okay. And what do you think we do here? Video? What about the video? You can say whatever you want.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:15:14]:
Yeah. Anything.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:16]:
If this was your show, how would you run it, girl?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:15:19]:
Are you were you gonna do a bit of dancing and singing?

Celeste [00:15:23]:
You too.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:26]:
You too. Okay.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:15:29]:
So Celeste, tell us. Is mommy and daddy good? Mommy and daddy?

Celeste [00:15:34]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:15:35]:
What do you like most about mommy?

Celeste [00:15:39]:
That she plays with me.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:15:42]:
Okay. And what do you like most about daddy?

Celeste [00:15:46]:
That you play funny games with.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:49]:
Okay. Who's funnier?

Celeste [00:15:52]:
Both of you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:53]:
Both. It's a very diplomatic answer. I love you.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:15:55]:
Do you love us both the same, or do you love someone more than the other?

Celeste [00:15:59]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:15:59]:
Both the same. That's not a question to ask. Valid question. I need to cover my paternal guilt.

Celeste [00:16:05]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:16:06]:
Eyes. Okay. And, where do you go to do you like school?

Celeste [00:16:11]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:16:12]:
What do you like most from school?

Celeste [00:16:17]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:16:18]:
Coloring. Okay. Do you know what you wanna become when you grow older?

Celeste [00:16:24]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:16:25]:
Ballerina. That's a new one. And, is there a person that you admire from the books that we read?

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:39]:
Greta Thunberg. Oh. Mhmm. Why do you why do you like her?

Celeste [00:16:45]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:46]:
Why do you admire Greta?

Celeste [00:16:53]:
I like her here.

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:55]:
You like her here? Do you like what she stands for?

Celeste [00:16:58]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:59]:
What does she stand for? What is she doing in in the book? If we were to act like children for the day, the whole day would be so much more fun.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:17:34]:
Is there something that you're afraid of?

Celeste [00:17:38]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:17:40]:
You think that monsters exist?

Celeste [00:17:43]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:17:43]:
And when do they come out?

Celeste [00:17:45]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:17:46]:
At the night, they come out. Okay. And can you see them?

Celeste [00:17:52]:
No. Look at them sleepy.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:17:55]:
You're sleeping. So you cannot see them while you're awake. Invisible. They're invisible monsters.

Celeste [00:18:03]:
Because I know what time they come out.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:07]:
What time they come out. So you wait for a specific time?

Celeste [00:18:10]:
5 in the evening.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:13]:
5 in the evening, but you're not in bed at 5 in the evening.

Celeste [00:18:16]:
I I I forgot.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:18:19]:
Maybe 5 in the morning.

Celeste [00:18:22]:
You don't call me. I can't say anything when I wake up.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:18:25]:
Okay. And do you have a brother? Yeah. Do you have a good relationship with your brother?

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:30]:
Yeah. Do you love your brother? Yeah. Celeste?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:18:34]:
What's his name?

Celeste [00:18:36]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:38]:
What's your favorite thing about your mother?

Celeste [00:18:43]:
That we play

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:44]:
together. K. And what do you like playing?

Celeste [00:18:49]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:18:51]:
Lego. Lego.

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:51]:
Who makes the best Lego?

Celeste [00:18:53]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:54]:
Esther. And who is Esther? My nanny. Do you love your nanny? Yep. Do you play lots with your nanny, Celeste? Yeah. You're wearing it to do you play lots with your nanny? What do you love about your nanny?

Celeste [00:19:22]:
That she copies me when we're color.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:24]:
That she copies you. Mhmm. She copies your drawings or she copies how you speak?

Celeste [00:19:29]:
Pick up with them drawings and how I speak.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:33]:
Mhmm. Okay. I've seen you play different roles with Esther. Out to pretend that you are the boss.

Celeste [00:19:45]:
I do play I do play that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:48]:
You do play that. And tell us a little bit about the game.

Celeste [00:19:56]:
My nails are long.

Hélène Ioannides [00:19:58]:
Your nails are long. Why are they long?

Celeste [00:20:00]:
Because sometimes I bite them, I don't, and then they go again.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:05]:
Okay. And why do you bite them? How do you feel when you bite

Celeste [00:20:11]:
I like yummy because I'm hungry.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:14]:
So you eat them because you're hungry? Seriously? Okay. Can

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:20:19]:
you just show us what do you do to relax then?

Celeste [00:20:24]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:20:25]:
Sleep? Okay. What else? Is this something that we do together for you to relax?

Celeste [00:20:39]:
With bedtime stories.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:20:41]:
With bedtime stories that relaxes you. Okay? Do we do some exercises with our breathing as well? No. We don't.

Celeste [00:20:50]:
Silly games in Mia's bed. We jump on the bed when you're wet.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:20:55]:
Okay. And that helps you relax? Yes. It does. Right? It does. And what about tickling?

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:07]:
What about the Breathing exercise that we do together. Should we give it a try? What's that? Who's that? Who's that? Daddy or mom mom.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:21:22]:
Mom. And what does mommy do every morning? She meditates. Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:32]:
And do you like meditating with me when you come up See me?

Celeste [00:21:36]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:38]:
Peekaboo. Yeah. What about the breast work that we do together? Should we give it a try?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:21:45]:
Should I give it

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:46]:
a try? Should we give it a try? Yeah. When do we do the breath work? When do we take deep breaths?

Celeste [00:21:53]:
When we're angry.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:21:54]:
When we're angry. Yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:57]:
And why do we take deep breaths when we're angry? To help relax us and regulate us. So let's Positively. Says, how old are you? 1. 1? You're 1. Let's let's do the breath work that we do together. Okay? Fill up your tummy and inhale And exhale. And inhale. Exhale.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:34]:
How do you feel now?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:22:38]:
Until that is something more. Do you like traveling? Mhmm. Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:47]:
What's that? Is that the water of the boat? Is that the are these birds in this sky?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:22:53]:
Tell us something about what you like about your trip. Which which country did you go to?

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:02]:
Hello? Which

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:04]:
country did you go to?

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:07]:
We're playing the game now. We're not speaking. But the whole point is to speak because we're

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:11]:
That's why we're doing this podcast.

Celeste [00:23:14]:
I'm a jinx.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:15]:
You you don't. You said the same thing as daddy at the same time. Okay. Sorry?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:22]:
Are you gonna tell us about your travel?

Celeste [00:23:24]:
Move, thanks.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:33]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:34]:
Okay. Let's unfreeze now. Unfreeze.

Celeste [00:23:36]:
Now you need to say your same

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:38]:
name. I want you to tell me

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:39]:
I need this.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:40]:
What's your favorite animal? What's that animal?

Celeste [00:23:47]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:48]:
Owl. What's your favorite animal?

Celeste [00:23:52]:
You you tell them.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:53]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:54]:
What is yours?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:23:55]:
What is my favorite animal? Okay. I have many. And let's see.

Celeste [00:24:00]:
Only 1. That's your favorite.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:01]:
I was just about to say that.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:24:02]:
Only 1. Only 1. Wow. Okay. My favorite animal is the jaguar.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:13]:
What color is the jaguar?

Celeste [00:24:17]:
A yellow and

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:24:20]:
Yellow and black. Good.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:23]:
So you're gonna tell us about your favorite travel spots?

Celeste [00:24:26]:
No. I forgot some animal.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:24:31]:
Where did we go together in the win during the winter, during Christmas? And what did you do there?

Celeste [00:24:45]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:48]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:24:49]:

Celeste [00:24:50]:
Cookie. We add cookies.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:53]:
We add cookies? We did. We went to Ben's Cookies. Is

Celeste [00:24:56]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:56]:
And today's sponsor of this episode is Ben's Cookies. So

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:25:03]:
Okay. So let's move. Can we complete full sentences, please?

Celeste [00:25:07]:
No. You, me, and then when you ask me a question, I'll say, So go both of you.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:25:16]:
Okay. Thank you. We have the full sentence.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:18]:
When you are putting everybody in order. Mhmm. Go on. Sorry? Okay. So should we answer the questions, or do you have a question for mommy and daddy?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:25:30]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:36]:
Okay. Eeny, meeny, my name. Let's hear it. I wanna hear the song.

Celeste [00:25:40]:
I I can say.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:41]:
But, Celestron, there are people who are listening, and if you're not speaking, they can't hear you.

Celeste [00:25:45]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:45]:
They can't

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:25:46]:
If you play mime.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:46]:
Yes. If you play mime. So it's important that your voice is being heard.

Celeste [00:25:58]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:59]:
Okay. So you so so you're going to ask mommy a question?

Celeste [00:26:02]:
What drink is your favorite?

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:04]:
My what drink is my favorite? Oh. Oh, I really like Perrier.

Celeste [00:26:13]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:14]:
And that's our 2nd sponsor of the day.

Celeste [00:26:19]:

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:26:20]:
What is my favorite drink? Mhmm. Or do you have another question for daddy?

Celeste [00:26:24]:
Another question.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:26:26]:

Celeste [00:26:29]:
What's your favorite thing to do in the morning?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:26:36]:
My favorite thing to do in the morning is A cold shower.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:47]:
Oh, yes.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:26:49]:
Cold shower.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:50]:
Do you like coach hours?

Celeste [00:26:51]:
No. I like jumping in the pool and playing.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:56]:
But you've tried coach hours before, haven't you?

Celeste [00:26:58]:
Yeah. But I was like,

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:04]:
Did you enjoy it?

Celeste [00:27:04]:
I like hot butter. I really love.

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:07]:
You love the hot butter? Yeah? Yeah. Okay. So have you got another question for mommy and daddy?

Celeste [00:27:13]:
This is the

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:13]:
last one. We've got 1 more question each for you. Okay? Okay. You go first.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:27:22]:
What do you like doing with your friends at school?

Celeste [00:27:26]:
Coloring and playing.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:27:27]:
Coloring and playing. What do you play with?

Celeste [00:27:31]:
My teddy.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:27:32]:
You're a teddy bear. You're role playing. Yeah. Do you know what role playing is?

Celeste [00:27:36]:
Yeah. You roll it to someone else.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:27:39]:
You roll it to someone else. Exactly. High five. This is what role playing is. And Mommy's mommy's turn now.

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:47]:
What? What makes you happy?

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:27:52]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:54]:
Is that love?

Celeste [00:27:56]:

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:59]:
Sleepy. I love you. You have been amazing. Thank you for coming on to help support.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:28:06]:
Come again.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:07]:
Okay? Come again. Say bye to everybody.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:28:09]:
Say bye

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:09]:
and thank you so much.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:28:10]:
To the family.

Celeste [00:28:11]:
Bye, dad.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:28:12]:
Bye. Bye.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:13]:
Thank you.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:28:14]:
Bye. Thank you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:18]:
Boo. I see you watching. I see you watching. I'm really enjoying this episode. So if you're this far through the episode, make sure that like and subscribe. It really helps our channel. Thank you. And the last 1 the last

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:28:32]:
1 is? A healthy bedtime routine.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:36]:
A healthy bedtime routine. Yes.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:28:38]:
For them to have a regulated nervous system. Sleep is an essential part Mhmm. Of every human where we learn, we accumulate new skills, and we're able to integrate what we've learned throughout the day, throughout the month Mhmm. While we sleep. But how do we prepare our children for a restful sleep? There are some things that we do with our children. So for example, my bedtime routine with our children, which is slightly different than yours, I Play with them before they You do not. Get to bed. So let's jump up and down on the bed, Or I throw them in the bed, and then they come on me, and then I throw them again.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:29:19]:
And we do that for 5, 10 minutes. And that and then that is And never ending chore unless you tell them, okay, 5 times each. And they know and they count. And then we're gonna go to the next thing, Whether we would sing together. I remember when, our child Nires was, ill. Whenever he had difficulty sleeping and I used to sing to him. He was relaxing. And another thing that it's at the least in terms of literature, what we know is that bedtime stories Help children go into this imaginary world that helps them regulate it regulate their nervous system.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:30:08]:
They are Becoming good storytellers in this process, and they are able to calm Themselves down and also their heart rate is reducing during that time. You've mentioned a book before About doctor Shefali.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:29]:
A conscious parenting.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:30:30]:
Conscious parenting.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:30]:
She's like the queen of conscious parenting. So if you wanna read more about conscious parenting, that's the book to read by.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:30:38]:
For me, it's the myth of normal. Mhmm. So for those of you that would like to learn more about conscious parenting, I believe there are experts out there that Could help you in the best possible way.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:54]:
And remember, you can be a conscious parent, but don't put so much pressure on yourselves because no one, none of us are perfect. So go easy. Just be aware of where you're at. And thank you so much for watching.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:31:10]:
Thank you guys for watching, and see you on our next Episode.

Hélène Ioannides [00:31:16]:
Thank you so much for watching this episode. It's been an absolute pleasure filming it for you guys. If you like the work that are putting out into the world. Please make sure you like this video and you subscribe to our channel. It really helps the work that we do.

Dr. Stephanos Ioannou [00:31:30]:
And if you would like to follow our journey on our IG accounts as well as learn more about our services, we provide everything for you in the description below. Thanks for watching.