Health Pod: Mental Health, Psychology & Spirituality

Unraveling the Sensual Power of Crystals and Witchcraft with Nina | EP 11

Hélène & Dr. Stephanos | Self-Development Season 2 Episode 11

How Do Crystals Play A Role In Enhancing Energy, Healing, And Sexuality?

In this Halloween-inspired episode, Hélène Ioannides, welcomes a very special guest, Nina the owner of Mystical Nature, a shop for crystals and magical treasures. They explore the mystical realm of manifestation techniques, harnessing the incredible power of crystals, boosting one's sex drive, and explore into the enchanting world of witchcraft.

Nina sheds light on how society's fear of the unknown, like witchcraft. Tackling negativity and hate head-on, discussing the importance of tuning into one's intuition, connecting with the universe, and recognizing the meaningful synchronicities that guide the journey.


09:14 - What Repeating Numbers and Red Lights Signify 
11:41 - Coffee Superstitions
19:18 - Nina’s First Encounter with Witches, Candles, and a Shaman 
24:06 - Nordic Mythology, Runes, and Ancient Lifetimes 
37:57 - Crystals and their Impact on Your Body and Energy
43:49 - Navigating Hate Comments
46:49 - Crystal Placement Secrets

And of course, this episode unveils the powers of crystals, exploring their role in cultivating positive energy, safeguarding spaces, and enhancing love and happiness. 

Join the host, Hélène Ioannides, for an enchanting episode featuring Nina from Mystical Nature. You will broaden your horizons, challenge societal norms, and embrace the magical side of life.

Grab your headphones, take a deep breath, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being with Hélène.


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Hélène Ioannides [00:00:00]:

Welcome to Health Pod, your self development hub on mental health, psychology, and spirituality. Do you believe in magic? I do. Definitely. Have you seen it in your life?

Nina [00:00:11]:

Almost every day. As a kid, I was feeling that connection with the energy because Every book that was in the house, it was about something magical. Even though I couldn't read it back then

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:22]:


Nina [00:00:22]:

I was actually feeling the presence, something that I always say about spells, Like, never involve anyone, anyone. When you tune in with your intuition

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:32]:


Nina [00:00:33]:

And you can become one with the universe and You feel every little synchronicity. Every single moment has a reason. Everything that happens It's for a reason.

Hélène Ioannides [00:00:45]:

Do you believe that every woman has the ability to Feel Welcome back to another episode of Health Pod. I'm Helene. I'm an embodiment and Empowerment coach. Today, we have Nina from Mystical Nature, a shop that has crystals and lots of magical stuff that you can get your hands on. We are going to be talking about manifestation techniques, witchcraft, and crystals, and how to get your sex drive On. Now let's dive straight into the episode.

Hélène Ioannides [00:01:47]:

And the gangsters are back.Straight from the hood. Straight from the hood. Nina, my love. Welcome to Health Pod. Thank you for coming. Thank you for being here with your Magical crystals. The energy of the room instantly changes as soon as we placed everything near us, and I cannot wait to dive in and talk about them. Before we start, I would like to give to you

Nina [00:02:11]:

Thank you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:11]:

That's so sweet of you. I was wondering what that Is there

Nina [00:02:14]:

it's a symbolic, gift because you need to open it to see why

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:21]:

Okay. Alright.

Nina [00:02:21]:

Let's see. I'm saying that. Because, you also started a new journey, and the Be the queen bee.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:32]:

It's a queen bee. That's so symbolic. Thank you.

Nina [00:02:37]:

Yeah. So it's gonna Thank you. With your new journey and with your work, but as well as enjoying whatever you do.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:47]:

Thank you. Thank you. I really, really appreciate it, and I thought that's good.

Nina [00:02:55]:

You're welcome.

Hélène Ioannides [00:02:56]:

And I love the bee. I love the bee.

Nina [00:03:00]:

Oh, it's your little talisman.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:03]:

Yes. Yes. Having the support of the, universe, the angels, the insects, the animals. Oh, yes. Yes. Nina, the spiritual gangster

Nina [00:03:15]:


Hélène Ioannides [00:03:16]:

As you're known, just having you here today is is magical in itself. I'm holding something in my hand, and I have no idea what it is.

Nina [00:03:25]:

Can you

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:25]:

tell us a little bit about it? Mhmm. Protection broom. Protection broom. Where do you use it?

Nina [00:03:33]:

You place it on the front of your door.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:36]:


Nina [00:03:36]:

And it, just Clears out your aura from negative spirits, negative energy, everything that it's not supposed to be there, And clean your space. Clean your aura. Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:51]:

So you just hang it by the outside of the door or near the front of the door?

Nina [00:03:55]:

No. It's near the door or on the door, In the inside?

Hélène Ioannides [00:03:59]:


Nina [00:04:00]:

And they also have a talisman on it. So the one that you're holding has a dragon. Mhmm. Which symbolizing Yes. The power and the protection itself, like, with the, wings. And it has a specific crystal on it. So here? It has 2. It has the main one And the one underneath the dragon?

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:23]:

And what are these 2?

Nina [00:04:24]:

Actually, they're both blue, and they are both for the throat chakra. So it's for the expression And to feel comfort comfortable in expressing your feelings and being yourself Yeah. Which is very important To actually feel yourself in the space that you are and don't have to hold in whatever you feel.

Hélène Ioannides [00:04:44]:

Yes. And I personally love working with, blue crystals or crystals that relate to the throat chakra. They've really helped me with unlocking My ability to be able to express and speak my truth. So this is a great one to have.

Nina [00:05:03]:

Suits you, actually.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:04]:

I'll keep it. Thank you. It's alright. I'm gonna dive into the crystal What drew me the most.

Nina [00:05:12]:

Which is of course. This one. Mhmm. The rose quartz.

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:19]:

This is such a magical when I when I see these kind of balls, it reminds me of fortune tellers.

Nina [00:05:26]:


Hélène Ioannides [00:05:27]:

That's that's the the symbolism that comes to to to mind. But what are they you know, how can you

Nina [00:05:33]:

use this? To do with the Okay. Fortune telling. I don't know Why they symbolize it like this?

Hélène Ioannides [00:05:40]:


Nina [00:05:42]:

But the the actual Shape of it, the sphere, it symbolizes harmony. So it's the flow that everything is, like, harmonized. That's why You might be pulled towards it. And the rose quartz itself, it's a crystal for love, understanding, patience, forgiveness, Mhmm. And everything that has to do with your emotions, your heart chakra, and how you perceive things in a much more harmonious and loving way.

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:14]:

So also bringing more compassion and love to yourself Exactly. And your perspective of the world around you.

Nina [00:06:20]:

Mhmm. Starting from the self love. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:24]:

If you

Nina [00:06:24]:

don't love yourself, meaning that no one can love you, and you cannot love others Because you cannot love yourself as an individual. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:33]:

That's, that's beautiful. And the energy of this is yeah. I'm not gonna keep this one as well. Don't worry.

Nina [00:06:39]:

I'm just

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:39]:

gonna keep

Nina [00:06:39]:

this one. I'm not gonna leave you this one anyways.

Hélène Ioannides [00:06:44]:

So, Nina, What do you consider yourself?

Nina [00:06:49]:

Consider myself as an alchemist. Mhmm. But in my own way, I Okay. I love to work with elements. I love to work with Everything that is around me, I bring it into life. Okay. And I use the energy to create.

Hélène Ioannides [00:07:08]:

Do you work with specific energies? I mean, I know you work with crystals, but what else do you work with when you say elements?

Nina [00:07:15]:

You know, we have, like, 5 elements. Mhmm. So I work with Fire, which is candles burning. Mhmm. And it it's kind of like the fiery energy of manifestation. Mhmm. It's the water which cleanses everything. It clears your path.

Nina [00:07:35]:

Mhmm. The air, which is the the burning of sage and how you feel the ether. Mhmm. Yeah. Like Yes. Yes. Yeah. And the Earth, which is my favorite.

Nina [00:07:52]:

I love connecting to the Earth because the earth itself holds so much energy for me, like, the grounding, the feeling, the soil, everything. Like, everything grows, sorry, from the earth. The trees, the plants, everything, it start From the Earth and the same as crystals.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:12]:

Where do crystals come from?

Nina [00:08:14]:

They are created by some atoms and molecules that are in The liquid

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:20]:


Nina [00:08:20]:

Of the air, of the plants, of the soil, and it's hardness. Like, it start to become harder and harder in order to create this state not stable.

Hélène Ioannides [00:08:34]:

Consistency. Yeah. And how comes we have different kinds and different colors?

Nina [00:08:38]:

Because it they grow in different places and with different like, some of them has, from the sun. Some of them grows in the water. Some of them grows from the trees like the amber that we were talking about earlier. Depends on the country. Depends on the weather. Depends on many different factors.

Hélène Ioannides [00:09:01]:

Magic. The magic in our lives. Do you believe in magic? I do. Definitely. Have you seen it in your life? Almost every day. But how does it appear for you?

Nina [00:09:14]:

When you tune in with your intuition Mhmm. And you can become one with the universe and feel Every little synchronicity. The synchronicities that are guiding you, and you feel the support of what you're About to do, it's supported. Like, you might see some numbers that are repeating. Or for example, I've had it a lot of times when I was driving Mhmm. And the light, like, I was in hurry, And the light was always red, and I felt that there is a reason for that.

Nina [00:09:52]:


Nina [00:09:53]:

Every single moment has a reason. Everything that happens is for a reason. Like, when you drop your keys, when you Spill your coffee, and you have to clean it, and you like, you're late for some reason. Mhmm. And everything helps you understand. Like, it's like Even the thing that when you drop the the salt and you Yes.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:17]:

What does that mean?

Nina [00:10:18]:

That You're gonna have an argument

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:21]:


Nina [00:10:21]:

They say, but for me, it actually like, I can see it happen, but it's like An argument with a person that actually it's a time for them to go. Mhmm. It's a time for them to To close a chapter.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:38]:

Yeah. To to clear out the energy and, clear out people that are no longer serving you in your life. Yeah. Yes.

Nina [00:10:45]:

And to protecting. Yeah. Think and I recently had the whole sugar dropping on me.

Hélène Ioannides [00:10:54]:

Sugar? Yeah. What does sugar mean? I've heard of salt.

Nina [00:10:57]:

I was I was wondering as well. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:00]:

You looked into it, of course. Yes. And

Nina [00:11:03]:

it's like The sweetness coming to your life Oh. That I will actually show you love, and I felt that love from everyone, like, from Friends to family, you can feel it with intensity. Mhmm. Yeah. It's really, like, sweetens everything.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:20]:

So that happened before you felt the sweetness from the people around you?

Nina [00:11:24]:

The sugar.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:25]:

Yes. Yeah. Okay. Do you think that you attracted that because you had that perspective?

Nina [00:11:31]:

I didn't actually pay that much attention.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:33]:


Nina [00:11:34]:

It it was in my sub Conscious. Mhmm. But Yeah. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:11:41]:

Thank you much for watching this episode. If you'd like to dive deeper into your own personal Development and tap into your most authentic self, you can book a 1 on 1 session with me. You'll be able to find the details in The description here below. I look forward to chatting with you. What does spilling coffee mean? So what I've heard is that when you spill coffee, it's There's money coming your way?

Nina [00:12:02]:

Uh-huh. For me, I meet people when I spill coffee.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:06]:

You meet people.

Nina [00:12:07]:

What do you mean

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:07]:

you meet well, you like you meet new people?

Nina [00:12:09]:

I meet new people.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:10]:


Nina [00:12:10]:

Yeah. And and and I was wondering why is that? Why every time I spill the coffee, I meet someone

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:16]:


Nina [00:12:17]:

New? And it's kind of like, I figured out that it's because, like, when you have conversations, you drink coffee.

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:24]:


Nina [00:12:25]:

And it's like the

Hélène Ioannides [00:12:27]:

The social.

Nina [00:12:28]:

Exactly. This is how it connects with me. In the same, it's like when your hand is itchy. Yeah. I get that. See. So your body is actually communicating with you. Things are communicating with us.

Nina [00:12:42]:

Okay. Like, the material, not that much, but Some little, little things that you can get from the from your body, from the nature, from from the weather, From the circumstances that are like, you need to actually take the message in the correct way.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:01]:

How did you become more aware in your life to receive These messages?

Nina [00:13:06]:

I don't know how to to place that, but I didn't settle myself that with myself so much to think why these things are happening. It's kind of like something were telling me, like, pay attention to that. Even though I was busy, like, I didn't sat and meditate and try to discover Why certain things happen the way they are?

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:33]:

Were you raised that way, though?

Nina [00:13:36]:

No. I think it's like a A mechanism at some point.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:39]:


Nina [00:13:40]:

It's a mechanism that you when you unlock one pattern.

Hélène Ioannides [00:13:45]:

Mhmm. Yes. It's

Nina [00:13:46]:

like level unlocked. It's like the ability. Your power is unlocked, and and then everything goes, much more easier. Like, everything is automatically patterns, and you can see them the patterns, and you are Automatically push to resolve them, and I kind of have this mystery solving, Personality

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:09]:

The detective in you.

Nina [00:14:10]:

Yeah. Yeah. Where I want to kind of put the things in order and understand why this happened that way. And Will if if that happen again, then it will continue the cycle. Like, it's it's cycles.

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:23]:

I've recently noticed that there's repetition in the year. So there are times and points in my life so last year, February, if I look back, there were similar things going on as this New moon in February.

Nina [00:14:37]:


Hélène Ioannides [00:14:37]:

Have you ever noticed that?

Nina [00:14:41]:

Not really.

Hélène Ioannides [00:14:42]:

No? No. I see these, like, reoccurring patterns, and I'm just wondering if other people are experiencing it. If anyone else is listening.

Nina [00:14:49]:

See what you're what you're saying, like, With the seasons, but it's kind of, like, maybe different. We all have ours our favorite seasons. Right? Mhmm. Like Yes. I Bet yours is summer.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:01]:

It is. Okay.

Nina [00:15:02]:

Mine is winter.

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:04]:

Okay. And

Nina [00:15:05]:

in winter, like, I feel much more myself. I feel much more In power, like, in winter, I love to put makeup. I like to dress up really, like Even though other people just want to

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:19]:

I was gonna say

Nina [00:15:20]:

couch, a cuddle Yeah. I feel I feel so much Motivation? Really? Yeah. In summer, like, I'm so low. I'm tired. So maybe that actually creates what you I have said, like, the certain events is created because of our

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:39]:

Psychology. Yeah. Our our mood, our psychology, our own Perception of

Nina [00:15:44]:

Perception. Of

Hélène Ioannides [00:15:45]:

the season as well. Yeah. I definitely find that in the summer, I'm much more myself. I'm more happy to go out. Whereas in the winter, I feel that I I just go through an internal process of Wanting to hide and go deep within. Not that I don't throughout, but that's a

Nina [00:16:04]:

Was that through your whole life, Or it have changed, like, you remember you as a child having the same perception?

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:12]:

I'm trying to think back to When I was a child, I think, yeah, the summer was always the highlight.

Nina [00:16:20]:

Okay. The

Hélène Ioannides [00:16:21]:

highlight for me. So I I really did enjoy that season. There's a freedom. We Go to school, we would just not have so much of a routine. You're right. So fun was very much associated

Nina [00:16:33]:

Because I actually like, lately, I started enjoying summer. Okay. Even though before I I was Different with it. I preferred winter. Now I I'm enjoying every season, and summer, for some reason, just give me that sense of freedom, as you said. Mhmm. Before, I couldn't feel it. I'm I'm kind of like the the kid who loves Christmas And snow, and the whole season, parties.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:01]:

Yes. Tell us a little bit about your upbringing because I I know you have an interesting Mix there.

Nina [00:17:07]:

With my, generation? Yes. Okay. My mom is from Ukraine. Mhmm. My grandfather used to be from Romania. And when the war started in Romania, he moved to, Ukraine with his mother, and His mother was doing tarot cards.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:26]:


Nina [00:17:27]:

So the way that she because she was on her own her husband was in the war, she was growing her kids Up just with the tarot reading.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:36]:


Nina [00:17:36]:

And people, like, really loved her, and she was guiding a lot of people. I haven't met her, never, but I had a really strong connection with my grandfather. Mhmm. So then my mother, she was traveling with, it's like, it's called like tabar.

Hélène Ioannides [00:17:57]:


Nina [00:17:58]:

Yes. So what are tabar? Tabar is the community that are traveling all together, and They have the dances as well. So my mom was dancing with, you know, the the skirt that is doing like this. Like, the, Like the Spanish? Yeah. It's it's very similar, but it also has the gypsy with the coins and everything. Yes. Okay. She was, like, Doing this for many years, she discovered then the ability to read the palm.

Nina [00:18:27]:

So she was working with palmistry. Mhmm. Then she came to Cyprus, and then she was doing the same thing here. As a kid, I was feeling that connection with the energy because Every book that was in the house, it was about something magical. Even though I couldn't read it back then

Hélène Ioannides [00:18:44]:


Nina [00:18:45]:

I was actually feeling the presence. It's not that my mom was doing rituals, But I could I could feel. I could feel. I could see her being interested to crystals. And I was wanting to touch them, and I was wanting To wear them, I felt the energy from there. And I remember me as a kid when I was about 9. Mhmm. We're watching a show with some witches that were about to discover, like, In a certain place, what happened, the incidents that was there Mhmm.

Nina [00:19:18]:

And how that person got lost and stuff. And there were witches that were coming with candles. There was a guy that was coming with a rat on it, and everyone, like, was working their own way. And there was a a shaman woman that, she opened a pouch full of crystals, and she could see What happened in that place from there? I'm like, mom, I really wanna be like her. Like, I wanna have my pouch with my crystals and, like, touch them and feel What they have to tell me and, like, it it's so stuck in my head that that moment when I said that, something Flipped. And it's like, okay. Now I know. And I'm like, mama want to become a witch.

Nina [00:20:02]:

And she's like, Nina, Which is not always good. I'm like, no. I want to heal everybody. Like, I want to just touch them and make them, to stop suffering. That was my way. I I could See me with a white dress even though I'm I'm a different kind of person. But inside of me, like, I always wanted to heal. I always wanted to Work with the energy and not do harm to anyone.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:29]:

Yes. And

Nina [00:20:30]:

it's very important in magic and in which Witchy practices. Yes. Something that I always say about spells, like never involve anyone, Anyone. You don't know who is protecting the other person. Mhmm. You don't know

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:46]:

That's a good one.

Nina [00:20:46]:

Everything comes back. Everything. Like, you do a Good thing, and it will come back to you 3 times.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:53]:


Nina [00:20:53]:

You do a bad thing, and it will come back to you 10 times.

Hélène Ioannides [00:20:56]:


Nina [00:20:57]:

It's it's exchange of energies, karma. It's like Mirroring is everything, and, it's very important. Even, like, I do sell spell candles. Right?

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:07]:

Yeah. I was gonna ask you about the spells.

Nina [00:21:09]:

And I've got you Love spell candles.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:11]:


Nina [00:21:12]:

I'm always saying to everyone, The candle for love, it's for your self love. It's for you also to love other people. It's not to make, for example, because to fall in love with me and come to my door and bang and, like, want me desperately. It's not how it works. You cannot force. Like, how would you feel if you knew that this Costaggis came because you forced him? Like, he loves you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:39]:

Or Costaggis.

Nina [00:21:40]:

I don't know Well, because that is caring to me. Whatever. Yes. Yes. I get it. You you cannot feel loved when you know that you forced That person to love you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:21:51]:

Absolutely. How do you practice spells? I believe that our viewers would be interested In spells, in the concept of it. Because being in a society that I personally feel Isn't so open, but at the same time, they're very interested in it. Mhmm. There is a lot of, misconception around spells. So how can we best use spells to maybe manifest more in our life?

Nina [00:22:17]:

First of all, your intuition is the most important Key.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:22]:


Nina [00:22:22]:

Being connected with your higher self and feel the guidance of everything.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:27]:


Nina [00:22:28]:

When you're in tune with your intuition, you can feel What things you wanna place and where? What you wanna use in your spell? Like, if you wanna use roses, if you wanna use, ashes, if you Wanna use, knives if you want. It's not something that is prescribed.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:45]:

Prescribed. Yeah.

Nina [00:22:46]:

You just feel it. There is nothing that I'm gonna tell to 1 person. Like, to do a spell for money, you need to place that coin there. Mhmm. And agree

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:54]:

no. Which is a lot of what we see on TikTok. Mhmm.

Nina [00:22:58]:

And it's very wrong.

Hélène Ioannides [00:22:59]:


Nina [00:22:59]:

I disagree totally with it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:01]:

Why do you disagree with that?

Nina [00:23:02]:

Because you need to be you you need to do something that comes from within you, something that is connected with you. Mhmm. Mhmm. It has to have your energy.

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:11]:

So it needs to almost be personalized to connect to your intuition and have a clear intention as to Who you are and what you're bringing to the spell that you're doing?

Nina [00:23:21]:

Because, like, when you were a student Mhmm. And you were hearing things that Your teacher is like, write, this paragraph like this. Didn't you want to do it yourself? Like, didn't you felt really Automatic and, like, it's not yours when someone is telling you how

Hélène Ioannides [00:23:40]:

to do it. Mhmm.

Nina [00:23:41]:

But when it clicks on that you're gonna gain money if you're gonna do it Mhmm. It It's different. Like, the it triggers something in the people that are actually seeing this kind of videos and stuff, and they wanna Even though it's something that they it's not theirs. It's not they do not feel it. Always use what you feel.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:01]:


Nina [00:24:02]:

I've used really weird stuff

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:05]:


Nina [00:24:06]:

In my spells, in my manifestations. Mhmm. I have Written things in very, very weird ways. For me, like, you need to connect with your guides. For me, like, it's the Nordic mythology. I feel connected with the Vikings. So with the runes, I kind of Automatically, like, from within me, even though I haven't studied them, I feel them. It's kind of like from lifetimes, from something something within me with the runes.

Nina [00:24:37]:

And even though my roots are Ukrainian and Russian and Romy, I've got something with the Scandinavian. Mhmm. And I use them a lot.

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:45]:

Then no wonder you like Cold in the wind?

Nina [00:24:47]:

Maybe. Kinda. Yeah. Yeah. The seagulls

Hélène Ioannides [00:24:50]:


Nina [00:24:50]:

To combine. I love this kind of thing. To combine different things together, like, it's not like use this, room for protection, and And everyone is, like, automatically taking and writing this thing for protection in everywhere, and they're protected. No.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:07]:

Yeah. What is a seagull for people that don't know?

Nina [00:25:11]:

Seagull. Okay. Seagull, you write what you write Mhmm. What you wanna have, but it's not like It's like you already already have it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:20]:


Nina [00:25:21]:

Like, it's not like I want to have, a farm In a year Mhmm. It's like I'm having a farm. Mhmm. I have my own farm. Mhmm. I own it. Mhmm. And then you, delete Some, letters

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:38]:


Nina [00:25:38]:

Vowels and

Hélène Ioannides [00:25:40]:

Reoccurring letters.

Nina [00:25:42]:

Yes. Yes. And then You combine and make your own symbol. Mhmm. So a seagull is a very nice example of how to create something yourself. Yes. You're gonna sit there and combine the letters, and you're gonna do it as many times as you want until you have the symbol that is actually something that you feel.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:02]:

Represents you?

Nina [00:26:05]:

With the tools that you are using.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:07]:


Nina [00:26:07]:

So if you use the crystals, it doesn't mean, like, you're gonna get the crystal, and it's gonna Manifest everything in your life and change everything in a good way. Mhmm. It's the same with the seagull. Like, when I say you cannot Draw the protection rune, and it's gonna protect you. You actually need to feel it. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:24]:


Nina [00:26:24]:

it's like you're saying to me, like, you're having a hammer, And you're waiting for the hammer to build the house for you.

Hélène Ioannides [00:26:31]:


Nina [00:26:32]:

You need to put effort. Mhmm. And crystals are the same. You need to work with them. You need to connect with them because, like, when you're gonna hold the hammer, you you're connecting with the hammer. Mhmm. Making, like you're kind of forcing the hammer. You're working with it Yeah.

Nina [00:26:48]:

To build what you wanna build. It's the same With the spiritual world, it's the same with the witchcraft. You're you're having just tools. Those all are Tools. Mhmm. But you're creating something, something that is your personal. Mhmm. And it works in its own way, and it has its own Mhmm.

Nina [00:27:10]:


Hélène Ioannides [00:27:11]:

Mhmm. Do you believe that every woman has the ability to Be a witch?

Nina [00:27:20]:

Yeah. I believe that. I believe that, but not into the Into the extent because there are people or women that are not supposed to work with it. Mhmm. Why? Because They are abusing it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:27:38]:

Okay. Mhmm. And So your intention as a person and where you come from, you know, allowing the light to to be able to to to work with you and shine through you and come from a place of love and actual Wanting to elevate and heal and, yeah, inspire,

Nina [00:27:56]:

I would say. People who are just not supposed to work With that kind of things. They may not have it within them because they are not supposed to.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:04]:

Yes. Yeah. That's a very interesting concept Because some are we born with this? Is this something that we bring from past lives over with us?

Nina [00:28:16]:

Yes. Yes. It is. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:17]:

There's this there's this I find that I sense people that are very pure doing this work, and that they're also very Dark and egocentric that it works for them as opposed to the good of everybody. And you can really sense that in people

Nina [00:28:33]:


Hélène Ioannides [00:28:33]:

If you're tuned into that.

Nina [00:28:35]:

Exactly. Like, everything is about this tuning. Mhmm. I'm always saying, like, tuning, you need to feel. If you if you will not feel, like, continuously, like, something stops there.

Hélène Ioannides [00:28:45]:

Yes. Yeah. There is no no flow to it. No.

Nina [00:28:49]:

You're you're asking me, like, what is magic for you? Mhmm. Or what is this? I I kind of feel like I it's not something that I can actually express in words, and that's why maybe it stops me from from being detailed. And I'm and I'm kind of say Feeling that I'm saying such a little small amount, like, 1% of what I actually Feel inside of me and

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:17]:

I so get that. No. I really get you in that sense because there's so much More that you are experiencing, feeling, seeing, and when you try and put it

Nina [00:29:28]:

into words, it's

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:28]:

just yeah. It loses its magic by trying to express it in words.

Nina [00:29:34]:

Exactly. Right?

Hélène Ioannides [00:29:35]:

So growing up in in Cyprus and your mom being a palm Rita, your grandmother being a tarot card reader and you in the world of crystals, astrology, and many other, spiritual Tools and things. Do you find that the community here has, been open To this?

Nina [00:29:58]:

No. No. No.

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:01]:

Have you personally faced any attacks because of it?

Nina [00:30:09]:

Yeah. But I kind of, like, like it at some point because, like, it Makes me understand more about the the people that they're not supposed to understand that. I don't have to prove anything. Like, this is when you come to a certain point, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. Mhmm. And even if if they're looking at you like, oh, she's a witch. She's doing spells, and she's gonna curse spell on us and okay. If you fear it, you're such a believer in one way That you don't wanna feel open, I started

Hélène Ioannides [00:30:52]:

scares them essentially because Yeah.

Nina [00:30:54]:

The moment I started feeling that the energy has such a big value. Mhmm. I understood where I have to put it, and I don't have to waste it into Explaining why or making understand making the other person feel and understand when it's not supposed to be that way. We have different paths. You don't have to understand everything, and it's a big lesson for me.

Hélène Ioannides [00:31:22]:

Very valuable. Very valuable because we tend to want to be accepted by everyone. No. And when it's not perceived within The way that society expects of you, then you are trying to match What society is doing. But but if you know who you are and if you know your path, you don't need to explain it to anyone. You don't need to say What you're doing, why you're doing it, and as long as you know that you are doing it in alignment with what is of highest good for yourself And for the people around you, you're coming from a place of love.

Nina [00:32:02]:

Yeah. Because if you're actually gonna do this To explain who you are and what you are, it's like you're repeating a pattern. You are repeating the patterns of your parents, your grandparents where we're like, Oh, don't go outside the window like this because their neighbor's gonna see you, and they're gonna be like, this the the fear of judgment.

Hélène Ioannides [00:32:30]:

Yes. You're bringing shame to it.

Nina [00:32:32]:

Exactly. It's like it's like when my kids sometimes they're, like, making fun they're saying, like, For example, I'm sure you're maybe doing that thing. It's like, oh, ask And Yes. Yes. I'm like, alright. Why is that something that funny or shame? Like, if you can see that Yes. Even though it's a deep part parts whether it's true, yeah. Do you say Is your ear or is your nose No.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:00]:


Nina [00:33:01]:

So somehow, it's like even though they don't have they might not have the influence of because they're kids Mhmm. Still. Mhmm. They don't have that much influence from the society. It's within them. It's generationally. The fear, it's it goes from generation to generation until you break the cycle.

Nina [00:33:24]:


Nina [00:33:25]:

You might you might not need anyone to, like, the school or the TV or anything. You are born with it. Mhmm. Because, like, when your mother were carry was carrying you Yes. She also had some fears. They are going from From 1 baby. From 1 person to another.

Hélène Ioannides [00:33:44]:

Mhmm. Until someone comes along and says, you know what? Yeah. I'm actually gonna do healing around this. I'm gonna Break the generational patterns that coming up that I'm I'm aware of. I'm able to bring awareness to it. You know?

Nina [00:33:57]:

Exactly. It's not the cutting the hard part. The hard part is actually digging to find and see What is the pattern? What is the cycle I want I need to break? Yes. It's that the process of trying to find what is it and to cut it, it's it's gonna be like this. Yes. It's really simple.

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:18]:

Yes. Yeah.

Nina [00:34:20]:

Because you realize that doesn't serve you anymore.

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:22]:

Yes. Yeah. It doesn't serve you anymore. Absolutely.

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:27]:

Hey, guys. Thank you for watching. If you're enjoying this video, do not forget to hit the subscribe button. It would mean a lot Up to us.

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:34]:

So we're talking about body parts. Mhmm. So I'm going to come over here. And I'm gonna go You found your I found

Nina [00:34:40]:

my body part.

Hélène Ioannides [00:34:41]:

The body part that I feel drawn to. So besides crystals, we've also got, a crystal here that I have been wanting to Speak to you about Mhmm. I remember when you posted about it, and they made you know, people have their own opinions about Mhmm. Whether it's crystals or, you know, the shapes specifically. And there is so much attack and shame around our body Parts. Right? Whether that's generationally

Nina [00:35:10]:

I actually had a fight with a Muslim guy at that point, and, like, It was really funny. It it was a really strong, experience.

Hélène Ioannides [00:35:22]:

Just gonna hold it for me.

Nina [00:35:24]:

It's okay. Can you see what it is?

Hélène Ioannides [00:35:30]:

Yeah. It's a penis. It's a penis in what crystal is it? It's Labradorite. Labradorite. Okay. Let's before we go to the the the argument around it, How do you use this?

Nina [00:35:41]:

Okay. So crystals, some of them has cracks.

Hélène Ioannides [00:35:47]:


Nina [00:35:48]:

Even though you polish them, they do have cracks. Mhmm. The Labradorite one that you're holding has cracks on it. So if you're gonna use it internally, you might need to wear a condom. Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:01]:

So they are used

Nina [00:36:02]:

for pleasure. It's not just pleasure. Mhmm. They're used for healing.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:07]:


Nina [00:36:07]:

And they're used for altars. Okay.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:11]:

You would place it on your altar for?

Nina [00:36:13]:

For Fertility problems.

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:16]:

Mhmm. This would be specifically for men?

Nina [00:36:19]:

For men. Mhmm. Yeah. For prostatitis problems. Mhmm. For not being able to, like, being sexually active Mhmm. And for women to attract More masculine

Hélène Ioannides [00:36:33]:

More cock in their

Nina [00:36:34]:

life. Yeah. Exactly what we were saying before. Like, we we were saying always, like, Pussy rounds the Pussy rounds the rules. Yes. The world. Mhmm. It's not how it is.

Nina [00:36:52]:

Lately, I'm seeing, like, This rules the world Yeah. Because every woman that I'm having in my life surrounding me, I can see, like, The collective

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:02]:


Nina [00:37:03]:

They are so drawn to the masculine Mhmm. Because it's so lost. We came to a point where Feminine Mhmm. Are forced kind of to be in their masculine. Yes. And Yes. We are longing for the masculine. We want to feel the feminine because it's like when one place when when you're not feminine, You're not yourself, and the everything switch and the energy again.

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:32]:

Yeah. You don't feel supported. You don't feel like you can relax. Don't go with The flow is much. Right? If you're not in your element of being able to connect to that freer spirits, is also your intuition, and that's where

Nina [00:37:46]:

guidance comes

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:47]:

in because if you're always in this go go, action.

Nina [00:37:50]:

You're closing you're closing all the Communication with the higher self.

Hélène Ioannides [00:37:55]:

With the divine. Yeah. Yes.

Nina [00:37:57]:

I've got a lot of hate, like, a lot of comments of, like, If you haven't read about it and you don't know what healing is, why would you post something like this, like the hygiene of it? Even though many Crystals are cert are they are coming with the certificate of usage. Alright? And, like, there was a girl. She's like, it might create, bacterials and stuff, and I'm like, alright. How about the silicone dildo that Women use?

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:27]:


Nina [00:38:27]:

How about the plastic, that you are eating? How about your mascara? How about your shampoo? So, like, Why are you so intense on that exact thing? Like, we are doing it everywhere, but it's There wasn't a reason to point on anything because you you can wear a condom on

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:47]:

it. Mhmm. Mhmm. Yeah.

Nina [00:38:49]:

But it's like, how you can say the healing properties from The moment that blah blah blah blah blah, and I'm like

Hélène Ioannides [00:38:55]:


Nina [00:38:56]:

It's still and and it was from a young woman, and I was really like

Hélène Ioannides [00:39:01]:

Do you explain to people like this, or do you just let them

Nina [00:39:06]:

sometimes I cannot hold myself.

Hélène Ioannides [00:39:09]:

The human kitchen? Yeah.

Nina [00:39:12]:

And I had really by the way, many times people Who come to my shop, they're like, oh my god. What is that? Like, they're they're scared of this.

Hélène Ioannides [00:39:22]:

Of what? Of the dicks? You're serious?

Nina [00:39:25]:

Yeah. Yeah. I I have women that are coming in, and they're like, what is this? Why do you have this here? And I'm like, Really, like, you came from that, actually. Like, you Crazy. You will see that in Your life, it's a part of your body. Like, if I'm gonna place a leg, will you be scared of the leg? It's not a monster. Like, it's a part of us. But since again with the generation that we said earlier, like, it comes from our grand grandparents when they were Wearing the skirt and the long skirt not to show something.

Nina [00:40:02]:

And it the fear it's the fear of not feeling Your yourself. And when you don't feel some parts of your body, you're still missing something. When you don't feel some parts of your Inner self, you're still missing something, and the fear stops everything. And, really, I feel this with the sexuality. It comes Mhmm. From Generation to generation to generation, and everything is based on fear and shame. When Yes. Like, for me, if I will be able to Walk totally naked.

Nina [00:40:38]:

I will do it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:40:39]:

Me too.

Nina [00:40:39]:

I'm I'm like, I'm going to places, and I'm just taking off my shoes and my socks and I'm wear Walking barefoot in places that you are not supposed to, but I just feel it.

Hélène Ioannides [00:40:48]:

And, again, who says supposed to or not. Right? It's

Nina [00:40:53]:

just it's just the way

Hélène Ioannides [00:40:53]:

of being that we've been conditioned to.

Nina [00:40:56]:

But the society now, like, every time I'm going out, I'm impressed. So there's 2 crystals that I've heard negative. There are more, but yeah. Per the

Hélène Ioannides [00:41:09]:

most famous. Moldavite and Nomite? Nomite? I don't even know how to pronounce it.

Nina [00:41:14]:

Like this. Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:41:16]:

Are they as bad as they as they're made out to be?

Nina [00:41:20]:

No. They are actually transforming your life. They're changing your life, And they're placing the fears that you have in front of you in order for you to deal with them and face them and not to put everything under the rug Mhmm. And being able to stand up and put the boundaries, and it's kind of like a speed up process Mhmm. Of you accepting and deal With certain stuff. Like

Hélène Ioannides [00:41:47]:


Nina [00:41:48]:

We are afraid of change. We're afraid of leaving the familiarity, And we should be more open to that. And this is what these crystals are doing. They're removing the illusion. They're revealing everything. And We don't always like that. That sounds good. Yeah.

Nina [00:42:07]:

It it it it is like

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:10]:

Getting you out of your comfort zone.

Nina [00:42:12]:

Exactly. That was the growth is. Yes. Mhmm.

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:16]:

Have you had any experiences with these crystals?

Nina [00:42:19]:

No. But I did it with other crystals. Okay. Like, I I kind of put my intention Mhmm. Towards other crystals, and I combined The way of yeah. I'm gonna get the change Mhmm. But I'm gonna get it much more smoothly.

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:34]:

I was going to say that.

Nina [00:42:35]:

It's not that it's gonna be Slower. Mhmm. I'm gonna perceive it much more Yeah. Smooth. Like, for example, this guy right here, which is my favorite.

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:49]:


Nina [00:42:49]:

La Brederite. He assists you in periods of change.

Hélène Ioannides [00:42:55]:

So it assists you, but what would bring about More change. You would combine that with another crystal? 

Nina [00:43:01]:

No. Because you're kind of setting the intention, The labradorite will remove, will will show you the truth behind the illusions. Mhmm. So it also has this effect of It's it's much more smooth. Like, you can feel the energy. Mhmm. Where whether with them all divide because it's not an actual crystal from that Earth. Mhmm. It came.

Nina [00:43:24]:

Mhmm. The the energy, like, the frequencies Yes. They're different. Okay. This one is much more smooth. It has similar effects,

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:33]:

but it's smoother. And where is best to place these in your house? In your bedroom? On your outer where you meditate.

Nina [00:43:41]:

You were saying before about the feng shui.

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:43]:

Mhmm. Yes.

Nina [00:43:45]:

You feel it. It speaks to

Hélène Ioannides [00:43:46]:

you. So you will intuitively choose where you want to place it

Nina [00:43:49]:

in the house? Exactly. There is no specific Place for the crystals in general that you own, but, like, there are some pinpoints of, clear quartz to the corners of the house or to align to the Front door or selenite, like, the main that they're they're for protection and clearing the energy. The rest of them, they They have a place, but not exactly. Like, the rose quartz, which is full of, you can place it, yeah, in your bedroom. Mhmm. Near your bed. But you still mind wanna hold it with you, or you might need more love in your office where you're working when there is too much hate. Or you might need more laughing, in the living room where you feel lonely.

Nina [00:44:45]:

There is it It depends.

Hélène Ioannides [00:44:47]:

Do you combine crystals in a specific way so they can, assist each other? Can you do that?

Nina [00:44:54]:

It's again automatically for me. Like, it it comes Intuitively. Yes. Mhmm. It it I said automatically because, like, my hands are Picking up things and putting without me actually making the thought of doing that.

Hélène Ioannides [00:45:11]:

Mhmm. Feeling into it.

Nina [00:45:13]:

Feeling into Yeah.

Hélène Ioannides [00:45:14]:

Into what needs to be where. Nina, it's been an absolute pleasure Having you here today, we've spoken about so many things, so many juicy concepts that we are going to be sharing. And I just wanted to let our viewers know where can they find you?

Nina [00:45:33]:

Located in Armenias Okay. Street, Nicasias Trovalos. Mhmm. It's a little shop that it's, like, it's called mystical nature, and it's actually mystical. It's not that easy to find it. I mean, it's in a main road, but there are people who have been Living there, and they never saw me until the certain point when they needed to. Amazing. So, yeah, it's like You need to find it.

Nina [00:46:03]:

If you're gonna need it, you you will find

Hélène Ioannides [00:46:07]:

it. But most of your things are also available online. Yeah. So you can order From your website? Mhmm. So that's great because we can all get them whether we are in Nicosia or not. Yes. But Thank you, like, really for having me, for giving me that experience, for making me also, like, feel more,

Nina [00:46:33]:

like, feeling more easy to express, Getting into that point of expressing myself and releasing some other fears. Wonderful.

Hélène Ioannides [00:46:45]:

Thank you for being here.

Nina [00:46:46]:

Thank you as well.

Hélène Ioannides [00:46:49]:

Thank you so much for watching this episode. It's Been an absolute pleasure filming it for you guys. If you like the work that we are putting out into the world, please make sure you like this video and you subscribe to our channel. It Really helps the work that we do. And if you would like to follow our journey on our IG account as well as learn more about our services, we provide everything for you In the description below. Thanks for watching.